
Gender: Female

Name: Zan

Details: I love wolves, kitsune, and archery. I also love anime and manga, and reading. In my free time, I'm often found in Towns, playing zOMG, practicing Kenpo Karate, or writing. I am slowly learning how to play the piano, but I'm not that good yet. I love music, and I really enjoy the sound of the piano, which is why I'm attempting to learn. I like being outside when it's warm, but in the winter... Not so much. If anyone wants to know more about me, or wants to talk, just comment or PM. Oh, I also tend to enjoy helping people, but since I'm new to Gaia I may not be able to. But I'll try.

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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 11/03/2016 4:12 pm


hello smile

Report | 02/17/2015 8:59 am


you want 100000000 gold then copy/paste this on ten gaia profiles and press f4 then log out and log back in and check your gold!!!!!!!it really works!!!!!!!

Report | 04/12/2011 1:23 pm


*Hugz* :3
x- Your God -x

Report | 03/22/2011 12:47 pm

x- Your God -x


Report | 02/28/2011 9:22 pm


3nodding Hewwo, coolz profile, is awsomeness. blaugh ///^ emo
x- Your God -x

Report | 02/28/2011 4:41 pm

x- Your God -x

i bored D:
IXI Pyramid Head IxI

Report | 02/20/2011 10:27 am

IXI Pyramid Head IxI

Did you figure it out yet or just skip and didnt care?
IXI Pyramid Head IxI

Report | 02/19/2011 5:37 pm

IXI Pyramid Head IxI

Let me give you a hint,
It starts With a "K"
IXI Pyramid Head IxI

Report | 02/19/2011 5:30 pm

IXI Pyramid Head IxI

Hmmm seems that you forgot,
let refresh your memory.
It was me on that day we meet and i was the chocobo,
or when i annoyed you to death and wanted to get away from me.
Just at least remember...
IXI Pyramid Head IxI

Report | 02/19/2011 5:26 pm

IXI Pyramid Head IxI

......hello again Zan


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