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Prideful_Ignorance on 05/07/2022

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Kaiya Hytoshi

Kaiya Hytoshi's avatar

Last Login: 12/02/2013 7:31 am

Registered: 01/17/2009

Gender: Female

Location: Behind you...

Occupation: ADK Model.

RolePlays and junk!

Posts per Day: 0.78

Total Posts: 4455

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Serious Seal Report | 08/27/2014 10:53 pm
Serious Seal
You know.. If you're going to show up in my dreams at least lwt me wake up smiling. Okay?
I don't like crying over you..
Love you.
Miss you.
Prideful_Ignorance Report | 07/30/2014 2:37 pm
I keep coming to your page expecting new things to be on it...

I miss you...
Serious Seal Report | 07/20/2014 8:49 am
Serious Seal
Stopping in to say hi! ninja
Been thinking about you a lot..
Miss you. emotion_bigheart

..And, because I'm sure you've tripped over nothing a lot up there,
take these with you. smile
gaia_angelleft gaia_angelright

Gotta keep them things in good shape.

Prideful_Ignorance Report | 06/11/2014 11:03 am
Happy birthday, Lysh. I miss you more than words can say. </3
Prideful_Ignorance Report | 04/24/2014 9:24 am
Hey girly!!! I was just thinking about you.
I miss you. A lot. heart
Serious Seal Report | 03/18/2014 7:15 pm
Serious Seal
Stopping by to say hi. whee
Miss you. Hope you know that.
Prideful_Ignorance Report | 02/18/2014 5:39 pm
Just stopping by to say I love you.
I miss you everyday.
KORALINE Report | 01/21/2014 5:52 pm
I just saw your pic with a violin(or is it cello?) bow! I play Violin too!!! Also it's been ages since we talked,not sure if you remember me...
Prideful_Ignorance Report | 01/05/2014 9:10 pm
I miss you, Lysh. <3
This shouldn't be like this.
Serious Seal Report | 01/03/2014 4:58 pm
Serious Seal
Hey, Kaiya!
I bet you're really missed around here on Gaia.
This is where we first met, and it changed my life.
You were a great friend and I will miss you.

R.I.P. <3



I'm unique, and quite crazy...Get over it.

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Gender: Female
Language: English, Japanese and French. I'll be learning Korean and Mandarin Chinese.
Relationship Status:In a relationship.
Orientation:Straight(I support gay/lesbian marriage!)
Emotion:User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

I'm Kaiya, and cooky.
XD I'm a very easy person to get along with...If you don't piss me off. If you do...Well, may heaven have mercy of your pathetic soul. Enough said about that, hmm?
I love music, and I can play a variety of instruments: Piano, Trumpet, Harmonica, Recorder, Brass Flute, Lap Harp, Xylophone, Vocals XD, just about anything I pick up. I'm self taught on every instrument except the Trumpet. I'm learning to play the guitar/bass, and a bit of the drums. I want to play the violin, and will learn one here shortly!
I like rock. My favorite band is ScReW(Yuuto, you will truly and always be missed! Good luck out there!)...As if you couldn't tell XP The members are Byou, Manabu, Kazuki, and Rui!! I'll listen to mostly anything, but I'm not too fond of rap. I'm not saying it sucks, but in my opinion it's not considerable music.
I go to a camp called Kamp Dovetail every year. It's for disabled individuals. I volunteer there, and was promoted to staff in the year of 2009! If you'd like more information on this wonderful camp... PM/Comment me! I'll be glad to help out.
I'm an artist. In many ways actually. I love to draw, write, sing, take photographs, and more. It's a nice way to let out my emotions without actually letting them out.
I formed, and named my band Candy-Coated Massacre. We are an all rock band. We play just about anything considered rock. I'm the lead singer, and will be learning the violin for it. I also play the back-up keyboard for us. We'll be getting ready really soon.
Oh, I'm an ADK model. No joke. =]
I'm random. Prepare yourself for that.
Enjoy the profile.

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User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
My Friends and Family.(Don't screw them over.)
All anime and manga
Animals(I'm a vegetarian.Don't like it?Eh who cares?)
Kamp Dovetail
Mystical stuff
The moon
Color Guard
Criss Angel!(Hotty)
All types of rock
Visual Kei
Role Plays
Life(Live it up.)
Wanna know more just ask!

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User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Child abuse
Animal abuse
Eating Disorders-NOT the people who have them.-
Conceited people
People that have problems with me being me
Chain letters!
Drama-If you're going to start, I'm going to ignore you. I'm not up for childish bullshit-
Pink-The color.-
Sunny days-they give me headaches-
Skeptical people-anything can happen anywhere-
PETA-They give all veggies a bad name.-
Substitute teachers-some. Not all, but most-
War-Pointless in most cases-
Prejudice-Don't bother with your slander towards others.-
For more just ask.

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And this is me =^,..,^=
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Awesomest people...O_O Ever.

My post stalker.

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こんにちは ,私はカイヤ と 退屈しています。

I love random comments, PM's, and donations!~