Again, as of Nov 2014, my profile has not been updated in so long.
WL is a mess.. too lazy to clean it up.
Trying to organize wl item list in Quest thread <3
Still WIP though OTL
come visit?
And so basically there are info here that are no longer true...
But I shall not change them because I'm lazy... O-O
So yeah~
Guess away.
p.s. Quest is still kinda my wishlist... but specified onto ZODIACAL!! <3
August 8th 2009Thankyou all for the nice gifts~!
Nox - Chapeau Demonique
Phanna - The Cosmos
Chozodude - Moon Lantern
mariksgrl - Star Lantern
Tamako Jen - Laurels , Global Pack, Leather Collar with Cross, Goldfish Scarf, Pearls (2)
KiraLynnTashio - Pink Bow Minidress
***NEW: Current Quest My Wishlist.... although I have no idea where to start... =__=
Alright, I feel that it is time to change my 'about me' section... So, I'm 17, likes to read, write and listen to music. I'm no one of extreme interest, but I like to fooling around with friends. I tend to be shy around people that I don't know, but when I started to know you, I'm extremely outgoing. My friends tell me that I'm sometime hyper, and that is true. I tend to be hyper when I feel like it, which I do, most of the time. I know when to be serious, and when not, but I like being foolish.
!!IMPORTANT!!I no longer accept random Friend Requests. If you want to be friend with me, at least let me know you first. It is the basic curtesy. I had accepted random friend requests, but lots of them just do this to ask for donations. I DO NOT DONATE TO SOMEONE I NEVER TALKED TO! I donate to whoever I want/like, and being my friend DOES NOT gives you a better chance to be donated at!
So STOP sending me random Friend Request!
p.s. People who I talk often in the threads I go could send as much of Random Friend Requests as they want. :"D
Last note: If you can, pLease help me with my quest!
Pwincess_kat's Art[x]sexycheesefries's cuuuuuute freebie~[x] Zalantra's cute art on my next dream avis~ <3[x]Alexabookworm's awesome art~[x] Nox's wonderful art~ <3[x]Anne Von Teese's AWESOME art[x]Gravi bunny's art
Hei Xue's art
Fishy's art
My own Drawing
Tamako Jen's art
Dream Avvies

Finished Dream Avvies

[b:620cb1b3b1]Donations are loved~ o3o[/b:620cb1b3b1]
Doki Doki Bundle
ASDKLFJALKDF Thank you so so much Losty, Aka &Kaide ; n ;
vote for me here? <3
Quest Thread
н . є . ȧ . я . т - beat Charity
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