About This Girl
Age: 14<3
Ethnicity: AZN &spanish
Likes: EveRyThiNg SWEET
Dislike: Liers shud get burned to death xP (J/K!)
Favorite music: All of them and more~♥!
Occupation: s t u d e n t.
hello, lmao. i know a lotta people don't read about me's but let's just bare with me for a lil' bit, yeeaah? My Name's Michelle. I'm going to attend Kea'au High school; yeup, still young. July 30? text me at 12AM saying happy birthday<3 that's the best gift ever. i'm filipino fashow. oh, spanish, baybayy! &,i know you're jealous. taken? nahhs. flying solo fer nowwww. family &friends come before anything ♥ i'ma little awkward , & really wierd. but!, i'm like hella nice. seriously. i seem loud, but i'm quiet too. depends on my mood. ya know? if you're down & chill, then we'll get along just fine. i joke around alot, like alot. i have really bad grammar. like dayum. smilin &hugging is my thaaang' . you'll always see me with my phone. yeup. i constantly shove food into my mouth, but HAH, i don't get fat, sonnn! i wanna learn how to tag / do graffiti really well, buh' i'm still learnin. unlike some girls, i respect my body &i do have morals. i've been told that i'm alot of things , both good &bad , &i don't give a s**t about what you think of me
smile &i don't really care if you hate me because i know people who love me <3 i photoshop to kill my boredom. i'm really impatient. i procrastinate alot. i love to learn new things & meet new peoplee. so ask fer the numba' so we can text
smile i don't biiite.
annnyyyyways...hope you enjoyed reading~ XD ^___^
>>LOVE: Shimmycocopuffsss, Joey Diamond, Ickest, NigaHiga~<<HiM: "Your every wish, will be a wish that I will make come true.
And, if you want the moon I swear I'll bring it down for you.."