Hi! Just call me Jyllie, or Jyls. I'm a 43 y/o Florida gal here to make friends and have fun. Am very taken, so keep it in your pants! Love gaming, love AI, robotics, space, astrophysics, independent films, spirituality & philosophy, post-apocalyptica, sci-fi, dark medieval fantasy roleplay, 3D virtual metaversi, writing (poetry, flash fiction, short fiction, essay, non-fiction research), tabletop RP (AD&D, Robotech, VTM), and much more. I'm a little tomboy and a lot technogeek.
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Jylliecat RAWR!
Just my stupid random place. My real blog is at wordpress :)
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SO you not really alone
I just need one
The one .-.
Your tongue meditates wisdom milady
I very much enjoy it
Those are often selfish pretenders who seek nothing more but sexual favors of naive slaves
But there are of course slaves who pretend to like the lifestyle but only benefir from same thing
Which is sex