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The Inner Workings of Jae

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Perfect_Opposite on 05/21/2020

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First off, I love Avi Art!!!!!!

Thanks for stopping by my page. Hi, I'm me! *waves hand* I'm pretty easy going most of the time. If any of you have seen sailor moon, then this description will make some sense. My personality goes a little something like this, when I'm happy and in an overall good mood, I'm like Usagi. When I'm pissed of, my temper is much like Rei's. . Thanks! Bye now!

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Total Value: 29,160 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Silver Elven Lady's Circlet
Adamant High Elf Skirt
Adamant High Elf Bodice
Adamant High Elf Boots
Mythrill High Elf Hood
Mythrill High Elf Sash


View All Comments

shoeman24 Report | 11/08/2011 5:55 pm
and me comments back... 3 days later
MaxTheDemon Report | 10/13/2009 9:41 am
Hey, this isn't just a random comment, its an invitation to join our ranks at the Final Conflict! It is a forum-based RPG located at

The Final Conflict is a mythical and magical medevil world, you can be a hero of the Templar king or be a warrior of the Dark Knight General and assist in dethroning a tyrant. The choice is yours and the fate of Lior lies in your hands... this is the Final Conflict, what will you be remembered for?
Einherjar V Report | 10/11/2009 5:26 am
Happy Birthday!
Niitsu Kakunoshin Report | 10/03/2009 5:47 pm
^_^ awesome, good luck in college!
Niitsu Kakunoshin Report | 09/20/2009 6:27 pm
=P im done with my homework... the one thats due for tommorow at least... >_> i should be doing my projects though...
Niitsu Kakunoshin Report | 09/20/2009 5:17 pm
^_^ Of course, always love to help a friend.

=D Anyways, what's up?
Niitsu Kakunoshin Report | 09/20/2009 4:49 pm
^_^ Lol, okay, good luck with your quest for Yama no Tamago then.
Einherjar V Report | 09/20/2009 3:40 pm
Eah im sorry to hear that. I'm doing good =)
Einherjar V Report | 09/20/2009 3:37 pm
poke* heya how are you?
Niitsu Kakunoshin Report | 09/20/2009 12:20 pm
^^ lol, would donating gold help ya?


Currently questing for Eventide, Blazing, Meteorite and Interstellar Kaguyahime sweatdrop
9k of 315K plat crying
Yep, I've a looonnnnggggg way to go


Just Serenity

Just Serenity's avatar

Last Login: 02/16/2019 2:45 pm

Registered: 01/11/2008

Gender: Female

Location: USA

Birthday: 10/11

Occupation: food

Equipped List

Amethyst Light
Mystic Celeste