Well what should i say?i'm known to be kind and loving but i luv to hav a good time!! thats what my every life is all about. My brother is autistic and is the best thing in the world for me. He really makes my day so much better and has made me into the person i am today! i'm a person who loves goin to get-to-gethers but iknow when enough is enough and i don't go out to hurt myself or others that just not me. most people including my self know i'm pretty mature and know i've always been this way since i've grown up in an enviroment where it forced that to happen but no regrets because i luv who i came out to be <3.
A story about me and my brother can be read in the quild Dream Journal, under Random Stories, it is called Childhood Story.
One day, the backyard fills with laughter and joy from a boy and girl. They run around the swings and climb trees as they play tag. At the end of the day, the little girl overhears her parents talking about a serious matter, they say, "Your brother has a learning disability called autism." She stares blankly and confused, but over time she learns the meaning of the word.
Days, months, a couple of years pass by, like rain drops falling from the sky. Summer is near and its hot outside, the family is now at the beach, on vacation . The parents walk over to the life guard and tell them, "Our son here has a handicap. Can you just keep your eye on him to make sure he is ok?" And they reply, "Yes, that is our job you know." Later everyone is having a good time bathing in the sun, eatting juicy watermelon, and playing tag in the ocean. However, the little girl periodically watches her brother carefully to make sure he is okay.
Over the next few days the family goes to the beach and repeats their sons situation the lifeguards again and again. However one day is different, as everyone first arrives at the beach, enjoying the nice weather and the cool ocean breeze that gently touches their skin, the boy goes up himself to introduce himself. The boy says, "Hi, my parents want you to watch me extra carefully today because I have a handicap. Can you watch me today?" And the lifeguard says, "Sure, I will watch you." The shocked parents come over to the lifeguard, after overhearing what their son had said, and laugh with joy over what their son has figured out about himself.
more story at the quild/forum above... and the story is still growing
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Well, you can call me batt, or whatever else you see fitting. ^^