Mmm, not much to say about me.I like music... books...Fuedal Japan...You know, normal subjects, lol. I aspire to be a Samurai/Ninja/Rocker. I can play the guitar pretty well (2/10) lol. I can't think of anything else to say...If you have a question, feel free to ask. ^-^
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Dod-a-Chock?? (_)_i.i_(_) <---(For anybody who understands the reference, good job.}
its been a while since i've read them, so i don't comepletly remember the whole name of first in the books the first few chapters would be boring because of the explanation she would have to give the reader.then as the story would go on, it would get interesting. it's the mediator books. i think there was 6 of them in the series....
"what are we going to do tonight brain?"(pinky)
"what we do every night"(brain)
"what's that?"(pinky)
"to take over the world!!!!!"(brain)
XD. i wouldn't take over the world.that would be mean. i think i would wish hapinees for me, my family, and my friends for the rest of their lives.yay.
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"what we do every night"(brain)
"what's that?"(pinky)
"to take over the world!!!!!"(brain)
XD. i wouldn't take over the world.that would be mean. i think i would wish hapinees for me, my family, and my friends for the rest of their lives.yay.