Jin the avenger

Jin the avenger's avatar

Birthday: 07/13


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poems of my heart

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Ok its me marashi coming to update you so far ive been a complete gamer and a real ladys man according to my friends and ive finally found one that seems to be there all the time for me and we get along well as for the leaving you guys with a poem ill leave this if your ever feeling down and havent a clue what to do remember your friends and all the people who care and love you and then find one you know will make you smile and hang out with them till its all better or talk to them about it thats it for marashi here telling you all life is a poison and the only cure is the one you love


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Eye of the Holy Raven Report | 08/16/2011 8:23 pm
Eye of the Holy Raven
Haha thanks. I'm pretty poor on here so I try to do what I can as far as making an avi purdy goes xp
Eye of the Holy Raven Report | 07/20/2011 1:07 am
Eye of the Holy Raven
I don't know there is to do on this sight really anymore. A lot of subtle changes of occurred in my absence xp I think I'm going to post some of my recent art on here though. At least I can still have fun redesigning my profile and avatar.
Eye of the Holy Raven Report | 07/13/2011 2:03 pm
Eye of the Holy Raven
Life has been crazy. I only started coming back onto this site a few days ago : P I had pretty much forgotten about it. How have you been?
Takari Ice Dragoness Report | 07/12/2011 4:35 pm
Takari Ice Dragoness
idk we just do lol
Nate_RiversOfTheSPK Report | 12/31/2010 7:49 am
thank you, and thank you : )
WinnieP GG Report | 12/26/2010 11:06 am
WinnieP GG
Lol thanks man. It looks cluttered, but I love it.
museIndian Report | 07/26/2010 2:37 am
My suitcase was ready but you missed your chance razz hehe Love you and see you soon smile
Catuboduus Report | 05/14/2010 5:03 pm
Didn't know what to say. =/
nhiandrea Report | 04/03/2010 3:04 pm
good to hear, and well for me men it is bad this week
nhiandrea Report | 03/27/2010 6:40 pm
hey it been long how r u dion
xDPGx joe xmobx
A faint smile
Ry Dusk Nikolai

best friend

friend for life

They best kage trust me and she is brillant (not her name its true)

Best person ive met on here that is as a friend

My name is Buddha....

welcome to the world of my faults and my hearts museindian she is my heart

wtf i love this profile lol