I got introduced to this by my friend Pokemaniac200 or Jerker no. 1 (it's a long story) or K***n.....I like to draw and read manga. I've been drawing and reading manga for the past 4 years! the songs that I remember while my first drawing experience was: shine by salvadore and others that i keep on foretting
my first manga that I read was MEGATOKYO it has inspired me A LOT
I read some....ecchi.....
but im not a pervert like what my friend, hauthuum, said
I'm in middle school. If you want to know what school it is ask my classmates, ventus1 and jjhamo97 in their profiles
My poems for the poetry slam:
Protective layer
Ozone absorbs UV light
You are safe from sunburn
This is my poem
I know what you are thinking
You can not steal it!
Everytime I talk to someone online they usually say: LOL
but not in real life
Ventus1 and JJHamo97 are always hitting eachother verbaly about who we like... I dont like JJ emotionaly...
And lastly,
I have a sword that i made myself its name is:
Uranos Saber
(Uranos: The Sky, Saber: blade... so it basically means: The Sky Blade!!!
shanks for visiting my profile
make sure to be my friend! biggrin
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u gots a gf
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including me.
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Let"s see many hearts you get!!!!
All the best........please do ....
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did u watch it or just manga
r u talking bout shugo chara