My hobbies include writing, playing The Legend of Zelda, and hating Twilight. Got a question? Ask me or regret not doing so.
Things I want to do:
Go as Sparklefairy Cullen for Halloween.~
On a clear night, walk out on the beach and look at the stars.~ Punch Stephenie Meyer in the face.
~ Go to a Twilight movie in costume.
~ Write an Anti-Twilight book. (<--VERY Likely!)
~ Publish said book.
Read a classic novel outside of school.~ Leave the country.
~ Meet someone in real life who hates Twilight as much as or more than I do.
~Change my profile theme.
Make a Link costume.R.I.P. Paul.
Pi was my first rat; Paul was my second. Paul had 24 children, and died last summer. I kept three of his children: Ringo, Starkey, and Plum. Paul was the most adorable, cuddly rat you would have ever met, despite being overweight. Plum was just like him, but he recently passed away.

I made all of these. v
My Guild

Anti-Twilight Confessions

Deadward Cullen

The Incestuous Cullens

Gorilla Swan


Any requests? ^
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