I'm Jenna.I don't like Justin Bieber btw.Loool I just say that. I made this gaia when i was younger and I actually did like Justin Bieber. So don't trip balls. I only go on here to mess around.
Follow me on tumblr yeah? http://vaajennna.tumblr.com or hmu on aim ; jennaestrella
Then I'll get your facebook biggrin
Uhm basics I'm Bi-curious. I LIKE GUYS AND GIRLS. I'm 13. The rest go ask me on aim or tumblr..
I'll try to be on just to mess around on here so yeah you can try hitting me up on here.
Loool k bye
I hate gaia online.. im done with it ~ so just go follow my tumblr or get my facebook and aim. you can get my facebook on tumblr. or just add http://facebook.com/jennaestrellaa