About me
Okkk first off i'm a stalker. If you don't want to be stalked then i suggest you don't add me as a friend. Second off is i love my job, so be scared! lol hmm...well i'm a noob a heart but don't let that worry ya none...unless you get worried around noobs...then be worried along with being scared. I love my friends allot so don't be dissin em or i killll you! If you don't know my name by now, then you're just a really bad loser who should stop trying to be a stalker. I heart my fishiesss too! I would make a threat about you mess with my fishies...but they're not on gaia, so you're safe...THIS TIME! dun dun dunn...Umm i looooove to make sound effects (which i suck at...but shhh...don't tell me that) and i love to edit pictures (another thing i suck at...) xD It's only fair to warn you that i have mood swings alll the time. One minute i could be laughing, then the next biting your head off. It's nothing personal, unless your name is Katelyn Hollar. I speak two languages; English and Smiley. The Smiley language gets rather annoying at times, but i speak it anyways, me and mltssbff heart Let's see, i despise talking on the phone, so don't ask for my number or i'll give you a fake ;] I like cheap art and will pay if you drawl my avi. (unless it looks like a stick person on drugs. i could drawl that myself) xD umm don't listen to my playlist, you won't like it. -should have said that at the beguning huh?- I talk about food allot. which is how i get most of my nicknames; twizzers, banana, milk dud, tacoface...yeah u get the idea. I'm pretty random so don't be scared if i yell things or spell stuff upside down. - umop 3p!zdn - I leave for a few days at a time, so don't be worried. That probably wont happen anymore, cuz the last time i did that, mltssbff poofed and is still gone, which makes me very very very sad. cry STEFF GET BACK ON! T~T
*whipes eyes* umm...i'm lazier than you could imagine. So lazy it took me 780 days to write this, which is how old my avi is (for all you stalkers who don't know that). I'm not single so don't ask razz Ohhh yes! I kept on forgetting what else i wanted to put on here. hehe i have short term memory loss. That's why my friends call me tom (50 1st Date) . They also call me Ed, cuz i'm so special. I'm a blonde who loves blonde jokes. So if you ever have the time to explain them to me, please do! :] Oh and...why does everyone always think a blonde is a girl? I bet you never think of a guy when you hear a blonde joke. rolleyes oh well. I also think people who have lives in real life should just stay off gaia, this is a place for people who have no lives to make fun of people who do. You just wouldn't fit in. So terribly sorry. xD Nothar thin, aye cun't speil utallll soe dun't wast yar breth tipin da corect wiay ta speil et. Well, i think that just about sums it up! *poof*
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or ill throw a poptart at u xp