I am a simple guy from Puerto Rico that like:girls,friends,sports,WWE and Gaia.
Favorite music style:Rap,Rock and last but definetily not least Puerto Rico own Reggaton!!!
Fav singers and Duo:Sean Paul,Snoop Dog,Fat Joe,Los Vaqueros,Franco el Gorrila "Brittey Spears"Hell No that Women is Crazy.I like to Jowell and Randy,Hector el Father and Calle 13!!!
Fav WWE Superstars:Jeff Hardy and Matt!!!!!!!!!!!Jonh Cena,Batista,DGenerationX,Stone Cold,The Whole F****N Show Rob Van Dam,Bobby Lashley,Sabu,The Rock and The Undertaker.
And Fav food
razz izza,Cookies and from Puerto Rico arroz con gandules with Lechon.



[img]https://9.UploadMirror.com/uploaded/3/841/graffiti_gen_04_02_2007_07_33_08_95887.gif" />

Item List:
Ancient KatanaAncient KatanaAncient KatanaAncient KatanaAncient KatanaAncient KatanaAncient KatanaAnti-Terror Arctic camo pantsAnti-Terror Arctic JacketBlack Catscratch SweaterBlack GetaGRIP GlovesBlack GetaGRIP ShoesFlame SwordFlame SwordLunar ScytheLunar ScytheLunar ScytheLunar ScytheRomani GlassesRoyal Crown BlackSteel-plated Ninja BandSword of AegisSword of AegisEstimated Total: 1,185,495 Gold, 315,000 Tickets
(Estimated with known item values on 05 May 2007)
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