jazy has the 411

jazy has the 411's avatar

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Things I seek to have, so if you have them and don't want them send them to me!!!




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You can reach me, any, which way you'd like! LOL!

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It's all about me!

Hey People,
My name is Jasmine, my friends call me Jazy, and i always have any information they need. Whether it be about a fight at school or a new relationship. I'd have to say I am a big flirt. I am fun to be around and i love to hang out with friends. People say i am very hyperactive. I am random, i have my blonde moments,(no affense) smile
I like to go to the movies, the mall, anywhere i can have a good time!
I accept any new people. So reach me any which way you can!

leave me a message and i'll get back with you a.s.a.p

View All Comments

fighterdude14 Report | 12/11/2010 7:45 am
you want 10,000,000g then copy/paste this to 10 profiles and press f4 thne log out and log back in and check your gold!!!!it really works!!!
fighterdude14 Report | 11/28/2010 12:55 am
You want 100000000 gold then copy/paste this on ten gaia profiles and press f4 then log out and log back in and check your gold!!!!!!!really works!!!!!!!
TaeYang117 Report | 04/08/2010 8:50 pm
hey. can u add me? Senbon-Zakura117
onyx74 Report | 10/30/2009 3:56 pm
you're welcome!! and im glad u had fun! biggrin
onyx74 Report | 10/28/2009 5:55 pm
happy birthday!!
Jrwhar Report | 05/10/2009 2:00 pm
Im sorry
Jrwhar Report | 05/04/2009 5:38 pm
O well whatever happens I wish you the very best!!! : )
onyx74 Report | 05/03/2009 5:27 pm
heyy look at this!! First, i want you to know that you are amazing and i love you to death. if i dont get this back, i understand. but i have a game for you. once you read this letter you must send it to 15 people that you really care about,including the person that sent it to you. if you recieve at least 7 back, then you are loved. nobody knows what they have until they lose it. tonight, right at 12:00am, your true love is going to realize that they love you! then something is going to happen to you between 1:00 and 2:00am. tomorrow be ready for the greatest shock of your life. if you break this chain you are going to have bad luck in love for the next years of your life.

send this to 15 people in 15 minutes
xHeartPlay Report | 04/27/2009 1:59 pm
hii im doin good u
Jrwhar Report | 04/26/2009 7:28 pm
Your pregnant? Really? Or are you just kidding?




♥ Promises Mean Everything
but once they're broken,
Sorry Means Nothing.
Fool me once shame on you.
Fool me twice shame on me.
The biggest thing ive learned to deal with
Thats me take it or leave it.
i promise according to my hopes
and perform according to my fears.

If you lie to me, yeah I'll still be
your friend but I will Never trust
you again! So you better be tellin me
the truth! @_@

Life just means death
So live life to the fullest
don't be afraid to let people down
only be afraid of letting yourself
it's your life not anyone elses
live it the way you want to

please help me get this anything will help! bugs, gold, items! Pretty please!


my photo!