
Jaytravonte's avatar

Last Login: 01/26/2012 5:18 pm

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The X and Y Chromosomes Report | 07/09/2010 5:38 am
The X and Y Chromosomes
Thank you baby<3
I know!
I'm so excited that you're back on here again! biggrin
SizzlingIt Report | 08/01/2009 11:13 pm
hey how ya??
i so long no talk to you already^^
Andromeda Phoenix Report | 06/19/2009 1:56 pm
Andromeda Phoenix
You're welcome! ^^
Andromeda Phoenix Report | 06/17/2009 7:55 pm
Andromeda Phoenix
Dude! Thanks for purchasing! ^^
Juliet_Cries Report | 04/06/2009 3:17 pm
mmm im ok... ^_^ its really good to talk to you.
Juliet_Cries Report | 04/06/2009 2:58 pm
lol yeah it has.... XD how are you
Sings-With-Dolphin Report | 10/21/2008 11:33 am
College has been okay. It is a time of huge changes. Before I left, i was with a guy that i thought that i really loved. Then before i knew it, i met this wonderful man and four months later, he proposes to me! Then there is the stuff that i thought was soooo important in high school....and now it seems like such a trivial thing to have cared about...lol. Have you and your GF started applying yet?
Juliet_Cries Report | 10/20/2008 3:33 pm
lol yeah me too every one luvs bayli except 4 my sis...... lol but bayli is like the sis i never had lol my sister never used to spend time wit me.... then she moved out and i didnt see her 4 like 2 yrs and she started to hang out wit me... but whenever im at her house she sleeps... but i can tell she luvs me.... xD
Juliet_Cries Report | 10/20/2008 3:29 pm
2 bro and 1 almost 3 sis! lol i think xavier is going to pop the question! soon!
Juliet_Cries Report | 10/20/2008 3:24 pm
yeah me too its ok..... my sister is coming up on Saturday and im staying in her room..... im not staying wit Xavier and Bayli

Hey my name is Jonas. I'm 16 and just chilled type of dude. My favorite sport football(fastest thing on the field). My girl's name is Jazlynn and we been togetha for almost 2 years (Love this girl very much). I'm the type of person who is easy to get along with but hard headed at times. But don't let that bother u. So any ways just be easy

Just be easy