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My goal's to see many avatars on my friend list
I'm going to humor myself and see if I can earn up to 1,ooo or more friends
why the hell not? add me or ingore me I will keep on asking you because I can't track all of you
I will be amused to see if I can get that many friends
I like viewing everyone's avatar
I wonder how many adults are there compared to kids?
how many immature people will I come across on here?
I'm bored
how cool will it be if I found more people I have in common with?
I love beer
Please tell your friends to add me
How long will I last on here?
I went through hell and back
I don't care if you insulted me, it proves you're immature or a worthless damned brat
online is a gateway to uncensored stuff
I need to quit smoking
I just up and went trying to add EVERYONE
how many people will stick with me or ingore me? haha
maybe unlike you... maybe like you... I'm very open minded
I experimented with many stuff
what peeves me is... crybabies!!
I love checking out everyone's avatars
If you wanted to know me, I will let you
I like to meet people
Cry me a river, build a bridge, and get over it
Bullshit dance
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Also, if you're interest to look in my Deviantart, i would glad to show you! ;P here!
How are you doing? :]