Jade Lana

Jade Lana's avatar

Last Login: 12/31/2015 2:29 pm

Registered: 07/21/2005

Gender: Female

Birthday: 11/21/1989

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Avi Art!

I rotate avi art that I've gotten about once a week.

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This week's art by: SusieCurlyQ

About Me

Hey there!

My name is Jade and I'm in a sophomore in college. I'm studying to be a physics major with a minor in astronomy. I've been a member of Gaia since 2004, but 2005 on this account.

I'm in a few guilds, Teh Vending Guild, Teh Hoarding Guild, b u r n, The Physics and Mathematics Guild, and a few others. smile

Offline, I enjoy RTS strategy games (hit me up if you want to do some Command and Conquer or Age of Empires!) as well as board games like Risk and Monopoly. <3

I also draw (computer-based and traditional, check out my Deviantart!) as well as write sometimes.

To get to know me better, send me a PM. I love to talk with people, but please don't beg for gold. When I want to give to people, I go to the Charities forums and even then I would hesitate to donate to beggars.


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Jade Lana is questing Angelic Sash!
Click to donate, bump or just wish "Good Luck!"

Vote for my Spring Cleaning Proposal: Fix Word Bump!