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la keke-keke Report | 04/09/2010 4:16 pm
la keke-keke
hey srry but happy late b-day!!!!
Smexi Lilly 4 real Report | 04/07/2010 2:46 pm
Smexi Lilly 4 real
HEy i LiKE yOuR pROfiLe smile
MyChEmIcALRomAncE_KILLJOY Report | 04/05/2010 8:27 pm
heyyy....remember me??
RainbowEffinPopsicles Report | 04/05/2010 4:08 pm
Why did I add you...? o.O
sparklebball Report | 02/03/2010 3:06 pm
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
G_SPOTBOI888 Report | 12/21/2009 2:18 pm
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!

strawberry big cake Report | 12/20/2009 7:24 am
strawberry big cake
i like your profile
S M 3 X X I Report | 09/19/2009 9:51 am
S M 3 X X I
hey wheere r u???? and in wat room is ur party???
S M 3 X X I Report | 09/19/2009 9:40 am
S M 3 X X I
sure wat room?
S M 3 X X I Report | 09/19/2009 9:35 am
S M 3 X X I
that u can have another gf than me. try different ppl


being me talking to my girl its the same


J3RK1n17's avatar

Birthday: 04/05



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