the smiling existentialist, JEANETTE-PAULA CHARTREUSE

J.P. Chartreuse's avatar

Last Login: 02/20/2022 7:59 pm

Registered: 02/07/2004

Gender: Female

Location: . . . elsewhere.

the life of the mind

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oh, were you looking for this?

nude lounging avatar ca. 06.12.10

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a word on ms. chartreuse

Please do not send me a friend request if we've never talked. If you want to talk to me, then talk to me - I am pretty harmless and maybe we'll turn out friends! (:

enough about me: let's talk about you for a minute

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flaaffy Report | 08/05/2022 1:12 am
Generic Breed Report | 02/14/2022 6:07 pm
Generic Breed
Hello person that commented on my profile however long ago, your current avatar is ******** fire.
Creamy Turds Report | 01/18/2022 5:17 am
Creamy Turds
Hi! Life's going well I finally feel like I'm getting my s**t together. How's everything on your end?
flaaffy Report | 08/06/2021 3:46 am
josiv Report | 05/28/2019 10:56 pm
haven't seen u in a while
you should make an appearance in the cb if u find a second ninja
deviI eyes Report | 03/06/2017 6:32 pm
deviI eyes
is that an impressed wow, a scoffing wow, etc? surprised
VHS Tape Report | 03/01/2017 5:59 pm
VHS Tape
I haven't finished them yet, myself, but I'm in love with his Discworld series as a whole uwu Nightwatch was the first one I read and I'm almost done reading The Hogfather currently!
VHS Tape Report | 03/01/2017 5:55 pm
VHS Tape
Creamy Turds Report | 11/30/2015 7:14 pm
Creamy Turds
I'm trying that approach. They will not defeat me; I will be victorious scream !!!!!!!
Creamy Turds Report | 11/30/2015 7:11 pm
Creamy Turds
Go hydrate!!!
No they suck big time and I hate them crying

a brief footnote

in a state of flux
but you can't go home again
so you're in CB


why, have you heard the things that tart says?

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