Hello everyone! I'm Izzy
4laugh . The reason I joined gaia was in the hopes of having some online fun and meeting new people so.....yeah, that's all I really have to say
sweatdrop btw, this is me
whee :

What type of Fae are you?
Find your Celestial Choir
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?Final Fantasy 7Which video game character are you? My Results:
You love your friends and would do anything for them. You are sometimes misguided when it comes to right and wrong, however. Your heart is in the right place but sometimes you need to look at the bigger picture.
How will you die? My Results:
Natural causes
You seem to be in no danger, and should live to a ripe old age. Go you.
What color is your soul painted? My Results:
Your soul is painted the color brown, which embodies the characteristics of calmness, depth, nature, stability, tradition, poverty, roughness, down-to-earth, uncertainty, and neutrality. Brown is the color of the element Earth, and represents soil and, to a lesser degree, fertility of the Earth.
Which animal are you most like? My Results:
What kind of cake are you? My Results:
Fruit cake
You're innocent and totally good. You never or hardly ever brake the rules and you know your boundaries. Your full of surprises though and like to have a bit of fun, as long as you dont break the rules and get into trouble. You're a great person really!

i drew these, if you like wut you see and maybe would like me to draw something for you, pm me and we can discuss the price, or trade
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But, why did you choose me...?
yours is beautiful
oh wait. i think i have a pic of myself XD
I'm putting up more of my drawings and stuff tomorrow.
For now, I'm hitting the hay.