[url=http://alxyz.mypersonality.info][imghttp://badges.mypersonality.info/badge/0/14/143651.png[/img][/url][URL=http://s03.flagcounter.com/more/WnPF][IM[i/G]http://s03.flagcounter.com/count/WnPF/bg=FFFFFF/txt=000000/border=CCCCCC/columns=3/maxflags=248/viewers=0/labels=1/pageviews=1/[/IMG][/U[i/RL]You Are A Green Girl
You feel most at home in a world of ideas.
You're curious and logical - and enjoy a good intellectual challenge.
You're super cool, calm, and collected. Very little tries your patience.
Your only fear? People not realizing how smart and able you are!
What Color Girl Are You?
Check out my dA?
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im questing all 5 charms
I hope you enjoy your purchase.
Not much, I'm afraid. For some reason (-coughNARFcough-) I've been really busy sophomore year. I've watched a few other anime, gotten obsessed with Vocaloid, etc.
But other things have just been academic. I have a tutor for math, I actually study for tests nowadays. I'm going to an SAT class this summer, you?
Do you want help w/ your avi or something?
Um, I don't go anywhere else. I just don't come onto Gaia as often.
Well, that's weird, but maybe because Gaia has been kinda spamming everyone with announcements about new stuff to buy with cash? The inflation on Gaia's pretty crazy nowadays. They roll out new items like twice a week. It's difficult to keep up. CIs have become much more common nowadays.