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SmalI Lady Report | 05/22/2024 2:12 am
OMG You're back?!
heart emotion_hug
Star Fighter Seiya Report | 04/16/2023 5:09 am
Whoooa.. Odango!
Just looking at profiles and came across yours, not sure if you come online but thought I would say hello! cool
Ashtonaire Report | 06/08/2022 2:23 am
im gonna be honest im browsing around sailormoon avi cosplays on here and i wanted to tell you, your avi is beautiful!! crying man i really miss cosplaying as chibiusa like i used to back in the days when gaia wasnt as dead... it makes my heart happy to see other rpers active-ish on here with their beautiful styles heart take care!!
Crystal_Sailor_Jupiter Report | 02/26/2022 9:41 am
Konichiwa, my little Onee-Chan! I've missed you very much!!!

It has been far too long since we've talked. I hope you're doing well.

To be honest, I completely forgot my password to this site for the longest time, so that is one of the main reasons why I stopped using the site. But I promise that I never forgot about you. ^_^

Hey, have you heard about this site called Aniroleplay? It's a site where a lot of people go to rp or just hang out. I have an account on there which is visit often. If you're interested in making one there, we'd be able to talk more, or even start up an rp. Let me know what you think, okay?
Crystal_Sailor_Jupiter Report | 02/26/2022 9:40 am
Konichiwa, my little Onee-Chan! I've missed you very much!!!

It has been far too long since we've talked. I hope you're doing well.

To be honest, I completely forgot my password to this site for the longest time, so that is one of the main reasons why I stopped using the site. But I promise that I never forgot about you. ^_^

Hey, have you heard about this site called Aniroleplay? It's a site where a lot of people go to rp or just hang out. I have an account on there which is visit often. If you're interested in making one there, we'd be able to talk more, or even start up an rp. Let me know what you think, okay?
Crystal_Sailor_Jupiter Report | 02/26/2022 8:48 am
Konichiwa, my little Onee-Chan! I've missed you very much!!!

It has been far too long since we've talked. I hope you're doing well.

To be honest, I completely forgot my password to this site for the longest time, so that is one of the main reasons why I stopped using the site. But I promise that I never forgot about you. ^_^

Hey, have you heard about this site called Aniroleplay? It's a site where a lot of people go to rp or just hang out. I have an account on there which is visit often. If you're interested in making one there, we'd be able to talk more, or even start up an rp. Let me know what you think, okay?
amorremanet Report | 02/24/2022 12:56 pm
Love your avi! Such a great cosplay heart
Sakura Haruno Report | 02/16/2022 10:08 pm
Hope you get well soon
Sakura Haruno Report | 01/19/2022 11:07 pm
Yep that's LA for ya. I have been well thank you!
Sakura Haruno Report | 11/15/2021 8:44 pm
Welcome back hope everything is okay with you
And you heal from your trauma, I can say I also was traumatized
Just last night, some person tried to burn our apartment building down xx


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    “Sailor Moon, you will always be invincible. The most beautiful shining star.“

    I check Gaia every now and then and if you want to rekindle our friendships or want to keep up with me outside Gaia, PM me and I'll provide my insta.

    ❘❘❘❙❙ ★♡ ☾

    S(???)2(?)ArtistDrum Enthusiast

    Z O D I A C:Aquarius ♒

    B I R T H F L O W E R:Orchids


    FAVOURITE COLOURS:Orange, red, light blue, purple, pink, pastel yellow, green, aquamarine

    H E I G H T:5'3

    A P P E A R A N C E: Thick and brown curly hair, hazel eyes, medium-fair skin

    L I K E S: Toto, Jeff Porcaro, vintage music, 80's pop, eating, sleeping, socializing, dogs, drawing, fake lashes, clothes, mom jeans, angel-related clothes and accessories, eyebrow pomade, mascara, highlighter, lip balms, eye shadow, cute objects, glitter, skin care, self care, hair care, gold jewelry, sunsets, watercolour paints, boys with ear piercings, gel pens, the night sky, the Moon and planets, Sailor Moon♥

    D I S L I K E S:Math, Victorian literature, negativity, cakey foundation, ignorance, rude people, spandex clothing, slut-shamers, non-cruelty-free makeup products, people who are no fun, brown, lash curlers, fake people

    B I O:

    I'm your average young female adult: mild social media addiction, makeup lover, "loner", ya know- all the common stuff. I'm a soon to be ECE, I'm also still figuring out how to be famous, too. I have a totally mild obsession with Sailor Moon and the band ToTo! They have both been a big inspiration for me for a long while now! Music and art keep me going and keep me sane!!!

    I have a passion for various mediums of art. I make profiles so if you like what you see, I can make one similar for V1 profiles, lol. emotion_kirakira

    Honestly, I'm bad at writing about myself with that being said;

    I'm a very social person so don't hesitate to PM me or so on, I'll always respond.

    Anyway, that's all I have to say.

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IVIoon Bunny

IVIoon Bunny's avatar

Last Login: 02/06/2025 8:36 pm