its completly classifyd
Name: uchiha itachi
Birthday: October 15
Height: taller then kakashi
Weight:not telling
Hair: like saskes
bloodline: sharrigan eye
Eye: black/Red (sharringan)
Age: n/a
Clan: Uchiha Clan
Village: Hidden Leaf Village
Rank: Jounin, Missing-nin, S-Ranked Criminal
Techniques: Sharingan (Sharingan), Fire Element; Grand Fireball (Katon Goukakyuu no Jutsu), Shadow clones (Kage bunshin no jutsu), Divine Illumination Jutsu (Amaterasu), Illusionary Underworld Moon (Tsukiyomi)
weapons:red queen rebellion yamato my necron staff katana kuni
alot of stuff
biju: yes the devil of sparda consumed me and gave me this arm and thats how i got the yamato sword

red queen:its my prized possesion that was given to me by my friend nero

itachi uchia

Total Value: 848,195 Gold
After Exclusions: 840,795 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Black High School Long Coat
Black Tuxedo Pants
Ancient Katana
Ancient Katana
Blue Flame Shoes
Charcoal Turtleneck Sweater
Steel-plated Ninja Band
Those Black 90s Gloves
Dark Cape
Coal Gunner Coat
Straw Hat

Total Value: 1,523,514 Gold
After Exclusions: 1,522,534 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
White Sport Vest
Those Black 90s Gloves
Gray FLEX Top
Black High School Wide Bottom Pants
Feet Wraps
Charcoal Velcro Sandals
Kitsune Mask
Chyaku Norisu Scarf
Steel-plated Ninja Band
Ancient Katana
Ancient Katana
omega gundum

Total Value: 108,159 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Mecha Form
Mecha Form
Mecha Form
Dark Halo
Flame Sword
Flame Sword
Oculus Magica

Total Value: 786,308 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Zorro Mask
Steel-plated Ninja Band
Shadow Spirit
Raptor Fire Tail
Rebellion Face Mask
Black High School Long Coat
Flame Sword
Flame Sword
Lunar Scythe
Those Blue 90s Gloves
Dark Star
Blue Flame Shoes
Dark Halo
Black Skeleton Gloves
Black Skeleton Shoes
Oculus Magica
Gwee the Dragon
Flared Blue Jeans
Black Skeleton Shirt

Uchiha Itachi is one of the last of the Uchiha clan, with his brother, Uchiha Sasuke. They are the only survivors of the Uchiha clan, which was once praised as the strongest clan in Leaf village.
Itachi is the Shinobi that killed the entire Uchiha clan Apart from Sasuke. And when he was a Shinobi of the Leaf, Itachi graduated from the Chuunin selection exam at the age of 10, and when he was 13 he was a ANBU Captain! At current it's unknown why Itachi let Sasuke live, it may be because only a Mangekyou sharigan user can kill him, and he wished to be killed by his brother. Or prehaps he let him live because "He wasn't even worth killing" either way, he forced his brother to live a painfull life, swearing that he will avenge the clan and kill Itachi.
Itachi has the feared bloodline ability, the Sharigan eye. Which he can use to copy the opponents techniques and also see through other techniques. Itachi has also mastered the Sharigan eye, so he can use the "Mangekyou sharigan" which is a extremely dangerous technique.
Itachi is currently a member of the organization "Akatsuki" Which is comprised of "Sly S-Rank Criminals" as Kakashi stated. There Goal is Unknown, but we DO know that Itachi and his partner Kisame where ordered to find Kuuybi (The nine tails fox demon), and take it with them, and so they have to kidnap Naruto.
Itachi first appeared in Episode 80, where we breifly veiwed him and Kisame observing the ruined Leaf village, after Orochimarus invasion. We also found out around that time that Itachi is able to defeat Kakashi quite easily, he didn't even break a sweat when he and Kakashi fought.

The Uchiha-clan is the most famous and most powerful clan of the Leaf. They have the rare and very famous Sharingan advanced bloodline ability. They are know throughout the world for their power.
At least, the Uchiha-clan would be the most powerful if it still existed. A terrible tragedy has overcome this clan. Uchiha Itachi, Sasuke's older brother, single handedly wiped out the entire clan. He left only one survivor: Sasuke.
After the massacre Itachi left the Leaf and continued his quest for power. Sasuke on the other hand, was left behind alone and confused. Now he lives only to take revenge on his brother and try to revive the Uchiha-clan once more.
In Itachi more then Sasuke, you can clearly see the pure power and genius that flows thought the blood of all members of the Uchiha-clan. Not to mention the fact the that they have Sharingan (the most wanted advanced bloodline ability of all!), they truly are natural born ninjas/killers. At the very young age of 10, Itachi became a chuunin. And now he might even be the most powerful ninja alive. Although Sasuke isn't quite as impressive as his older brother, he still is one of the most talented rookies around.
Advanced Bloodline Limit: Sharingan
The sharingan is a special eye ability that is only apparent in the Uchiha clan. It is an advanced characteristic in the pupil of the person's eyes. It is said that the sharingan evolved from the Byakugan, which is excluded from any possible use by anyone except for members of the Hyuuga clan. In terms of mental, emotional, and physical insight, the Byakugan is far more superior than it's succesor. The sharingan has three semi-colons. It fits well since the sharingan can see through and mimic three types of jutsu, which are ninjutsu, genjutsu, and taijutsu.

Although the sharingan does require chakra to activate, it's not considered a ninjutsu. It requires no hand seals to be performed. All the user must do is focus chakra into his/her eyes and the sharingan shall emerge. But to use the sharingan effectively, you have to combine it with other types of diverse jutsus. It's useless on it's own. Therefore, this is the reason why the sharingan ability is only granted to the members of the Uchiha clan that have mastered different ways of fighting.
The sharingan's main ability is the mimicery of other jutus. It will copy any ninjutsu, genjutsu, and taijutsu. Of course it can also copy the movements of the opponent by studying him or her carefully. The more times the person uses the sharingan, the more jutsus they copy. If they continue to keep the sharingan out, they will continue to copy jutsus even if it's against their will. It acts automatically like a car
alarm. If it sees a jutsu, it starts to act up and acts like a defensive system. Like a car's defensive system is an alarm, the sharingan's defensive system is to copy what they see. Although, the sharingan's accuracy of mimicing the techiniques is high, it doesn't gurantee complete mastery of the jutsu. For incredibly difficult and extremely high-level jutsu, it requires practice. Of course the sharingan can speed up the process. It can first copy what hand seals are required (if any at all) and then all they have to do is find the right amount of chakra to exert. If it's a move that requires no hand seals then all they have to do is exert the right amount of chakra into the right place. If it's a taijutsu technique then they will have no problem with that. They can just remember what movements they copied and practice on that. Another ability is that it can see through illusions. For example if there were many bunshin or Kage bunshin all the sharingan user would see is balls of chakra that look like flames. This allows them to seperate what is real and what isn't.
Another "ability" of the sharingan is the ability to supposedly look into the future. In other words, they can trick they're opponents into thinking that they are fighting a seer. It's just an illusion. A series of different steps are used to create this illusion. First the user makes it seem that they can read minds by using a hypnotic genjutsu and copying their opponents thoughts. For all these steps to work the user and the opponent must make eye-contact. Same goes for the movement copying. The user of the sharingan stares their opponent in the eyes while copying all their movements. The most important thing for a person that does this to do is to make eye-contact.
The sharingan uses up a lot of chakra. However, this only applies if the sharingan user is not an Uchiha. Since they don't have the right blood, they can't use it as effectively and they get exhausted more easiy then members of the Uchiha clan. For example, Kakashi gets exhausted quickly everytime he uses his sharingan. However, Neither Itachi nor Sasuke feel the same way. They are both members of the Uchiha clan so they have a direct heritage of the sharingan. Pretty much, blood plays a big role in the chakra usage of the sharingan. If you have the right blood, you don't get tired easily. If you don't have the right blood then be more careful when you use the sharingan.
The sharingan also many disadvantages such as speed. It can't see speed very well because most of the time it's not chakra based speed. It's harder for users of the sharingan to see speed. That's what makes taijutsu a dangerous enemy to it. Combining taijutsu and speed will give an advantage over the sharingan. Therefore, the sharingan user will have lots of trouble seeing their enemies come at them. Another weakness of the sharingan is that it can't copy bloodline based jutsus. It's just not theirs to copy. Basically, physical combat is the most dangerous to the sharingan. It's not only unpredictable but almost unstoppable for sharingan users. However, it's wickedly powerful in the areas of copying ninjutsu and genjutsu.
Mangekyou Sharingan, Tsukuyomi. Uchiha's ultimate genjutsu. So far it's only been used by Itachi. The focus of this genjutsu is to cause a breakdown in someone's mind and spirit. First Itachi looks at his opponent in the eyes. He then chooses a form of torture or a past event that hurt that person the most. Also Itachi can make the person feel a certain amount of time in an instant. For example, Itachi uses a form of torture on Kakashi. Itachi made Kakashi think that he was really getting katanas shoved into himself. Itachi, being the master of the illision was doing all the shoving. Itachi also made it seem to him that it felt like 72 hours (three days). In a form of a past memory, Itachi made Sasuke relive the day their parents were killed by Itachi. This only lasted for 24 hours. This genjutsu causes a lot of pain that lingers around for a while. However, it's also apparently dangerous to Itachi as well. He can't seem to use it much because it could be fatal

too fast

steps of wat kakashi dose

i want his chakera

i guess he has grown up when he was training with orochimaru where did he even get a blade? and he got stronger...

but still i'm BETTER!!!!

and my blade is BETTER!!!

o....k awkward
dahahahahahahahah lol
get owned much naruto?

OH MY GOD!!!!!!!

this is before

and this is after

yes i killed them
ahhh..my cursed little brother sasuke verses the jinjuriky kyuubi and naruto]

Which character are you test by Naruto - Kun.com

wanna bes give me my jacket and head band back scream !!]
ambu me

one of my favorite gundams
this is shining gundum:

his specilty is shining finger

uder the traing of master aisa

they have acomplished alot together
The Necrons, an alien race ancient beyond imagining, are awakening from their 60-million-year dormancy to plague the living once more. Thousands of immortal, soulless warriors have risen from dusty stasis-tombs, their cold wills bent on harvesting the teeming species of the galaxy. Their miraculous technology was far in advance of any contemporary equivalent long before the Eldar, reckoned the oldest among races, had begun their existence.

the monolith. is where we come from

lord ctan the deciver

i am the night bringer!!!!

evry one meet the jabbawokeez

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