Im really cute (maybe hot) im popular in my skool (I dont like skool though!) And everyone likes me!!! i love the color blue (And a little of pink) My friend's say i'm sorta a tomboyish but i like being a girl too. I LOVE sport^_^ I am a very athletic person and really nice and loyal to my friends... but you don't wanna get on my bad side. Well my name is Tiffany (call me Tiff for short) I live in Philippines. I LOVE shopping!!! Well thanx for reading all this!!!
Can you donate some of my wish list??? please, i'm very thankful to you!!! muaaahhh!!!
Tiff Signing off: muaaah
My Dream Avatar:

"Princess Tiffany"
Total Value: 354,342,252 Gold
[Item Information]Item List:
Angelic HaloOculus MythicaGift of the GoddessGift of the GodsEnchanted StringsKiKi Kitty PlushieHermes' MoonHermes' MoonHermes' MoonHermes' MoonWinter RoseBiancamellaBiancamellaBiancamella 2nd GenBiancamella 2nd GenBiancamellaBiancamella 2nd GenBiancamellaBiancamella 5th GenBiancamella 4th GenBiancamella 6th GenBiancamella
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