Wow...I've certainly put this off for a while. I guess that's because I'm always kind of bad at these sort of things. Were to start....were to start?Personal Information:
My name is Katherene, but my friends call me Katie, Kat, or Tak. I live in the suburbs with my Mom, Dad, and baby sister. My hair is cut like Tak's from Invader Zim, and its dyed that cheap burgendy you get at walmart-the Hot Topic purple is against my skool's dresscode and makes my hair fall out. I'm kind of short (four foot, eleven inches) and naturally skinny (I personally feel like I'm made of willow branches-not cool).
I'm sixteen and currently dating a wonderful girl who's a year younger than me (I'm bi, not lesbian). We run around the park that's a mile from my house and dress like 80's rockstars or burlesque girls just for kicks (I'm not technically allowed out of the house if I'm dressed like the last one, but hey, what else are backpacks for?). I skip from era to era in my mannerisms, dress, and artworks.
I'm a fan of Jhonen Vasquez (creator of Invader Zim, JTHM, Squee, and a bunch of other incredible things), Roman Dirge, Tim Burton, Stephen King, and Neil Gaiman ( the author of Coraline, The Cemetary Book, American Gods, Stardust....he's a genius!). I draw, listen to music, and do costume design in my spare time.
Other Stuff:
I HATE art thieves. If you are one, I will pursue you until the stolen art is either taken down and never posted again, or until you are banned. It is a CRIME, punishable by LAW. I don't care if you think that the anonymous interweb masses won't mind your blatant disregard of the rules, I don't care if you 'changed it a bit', it doesn't matter. Thieft is thieft, regardless of its means.
I may be dressed in a starter set of clothing (It closely matches the cosplay I'm going for) but in no way am I a N00b. I've been on gaia for a while, and know how to navigate the ropes. Don't try hacking me, or scamming me, or anything like that. I know a sham when I see one, and I'm not easy to fool.
If you want to friend me, talk to me, or anything like that just PM me or whatever. I'm a really nice person to my friends, and a bit of an oddball at times.
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Do you need anymore musics for your profile?
Self avi art, not my current avi though.
Took about 30 minutes to do, done all on Adobe Photoshop Elements 2.0
**One random commenter will get free avi art!**
My DA: