

Hello People Well Lets See A Lil Bout Me Im a Lil Bit EmO because my life is very depressing sometimes... But im outgoing and love to meet people if that makes since?
please donate i lwill love you forever
heart Donators!!!
~xXXxBloody_RubyxXXx Gothic Veil
heart heart ~-FuZy-PaNdA- 2k
heart ~Vampy-Of-BloodRose 59k
heart heart heart I do~
~Have Very Few Good Friends.
~Love seeing those few friends.
~Have a broken heart.
~Hate my family.
~Wear bright and dark clothes but never pink..
~Listen to music 24/7
I dont~
~Like Pink or any of those colors.
~Have preppy friends
~Like wanna-be's
~Want to move.
Name~Darby High
Fav Color(s)~Purple and Lime Green
Status~Single ;D
Lives~Over the Rainbow
Loves~Jessie <3, music, Skittles and rainbows biggrin
Hates~ Wanna-Be's, preps, annoying people, pink.
Instant Message Me ^^
~Now You Know~
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