Name: Oliver emotion_bandaid
Age: 21
Hobbies: Illustrating, video games, watching movies/anime and reading manga
So normally all of my stuff is black or gray but I really like cute s**t, and I love cats and ferrets :3 I also love piercings and tattoos, I've got quite a few, plus I work in the body modification industry heart . I do not like roller coasters, they're so scary ; n ; I'm terrified of heights and spiders. ugh. I can be shy or I can be obnoxious, my attitude fluctuates with yours so pay no mind to it, and yeah, I mean, feel free to leave comments or whatever, I don't really bite. promise. C:
yum_puddi yum_strawberry yum_tea yum_puddi
Now, these are all the people i LOVE. Got it! So don't ever think you can mess with them. I will find you.
Bailey emotion_bigheart (LollipopKnight): She has been my bestest frand since kindergarten and i love her! And i most definitely couldn't live without her. BUT YOU LIVE TO FAR MAN. D': GET BACK HUR CRAZY, stuff your self into one of my bags and come back wth meeeee ; n ;
Anna emotion_dealwithit (annersanna): She's my other best friend, even though i started hanging out with her in like fifth grade but still i hangout with her more than a lot of other people i know (shes my little frand)
Whitney emotion_kirakira (KillingCareBears): I met her in 7th grade, she is one of my best frands too and we have best friend necklaces! I miss her all the time Dx
Brandon emotion_drool : My cousin that i love even if he is a big idiot, he's kinda like a brother that i never had and even though he's kinda retarded i still know that he cares deep down (somewhere in the 6''9 body of his, he's ******** tall as ********) and i know i can always count on him to beat someone up if i ever needed it!
Sooo~ Does anyone luff meh? Cause I would cry if I recieved donations and I can pay you back with signs or art c: I promise! emotion_yatta
-Oli emotion_bigheart emotion_kirakira emotion_bigheart
yum_cupcake yum_onigiri yum_strawberrypie yum_tamago yum_strawberry
emotion_bigheart Thank you for visiting meee, Come back soon peez? Also i love comments and will be happy (if that matters hahaa) emotion_bigheart
my little secrets
for christmas i got a straight jacket and a ticket to this place with cushions on the walls
my life....
I ENJOY APPLIED CANON BETWEEN CHARACTERS OKAY?![/color:ba97ef0b65][/size:ba97ef0b65][/align:ba97ef0b65]
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