iLuvde M u f f i n

iLuvde M u f f i n's avatar

Birthday: 05/12


User Image Her name is Amber.
She is 17 years young.
She loves Gaia and Roleplaying.
She really loves to sing and play guitar.
Her favorite color is Blue.
She like Yuri and Yoai.
She is a cheerleader.
She wishes on 11:11.
She is not perfect,
And does not wish to be.
She has a past she is not proud of.
She is herself and no one else.
She likes to be literate.
Amber is also always happy
and is in a good mood.
Amber is in love with Anime.
She loves to live,
and lives to love.
Goofy is her middle name!
Oh, And she hearts your face!

Music is meh Boyfriend. <3

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iLuvde M u f f i n Report | 06/16/2009 10:56 pm
iLuvde M u f f i n
xXI F R A G I L E_heartXx Report | 04/05/2009 7:02 pm
xXI F R A G I L E_heartXx
x]] wheeeeeeeeee1!!!
xXI F R A G I L E_heartXx Report | 04/05/2009 4:26 pm
xXI F R A G I L E_heartXx
xD guitarists rule!!!11!!!!1!!1!!11one!!!
xXI F R A G I L E_heartXx Report | 04/05/2009 9:58 am
xXI F R A G I L E_heartXx
haha woo!! biggrin
*grabs guitar* m/>.<m/ ROCK ON!!
xXI F R A G I L E_heartXx Report | 03/25/2009 5:26 pm
xXI F R A G I L E_heartXx
that sucks xD
i bet you arnt in a band though lol
xXI F R A G I L E_heartXx Report | 03/25/2009 5:20 pm
xXI F R A G I L E_heartXx
OH MAH GAWD!! ur alive!! xD
Vampiress_Nyx_91 Report | 03/11/2009 11:58 am
Amber sounds just like me =]
death keeper of the souls Report | 02/17/2009 5:48 pm
death keeper of the souls
uhggg check your messages more often >:O
death keeper of the souls Report | 02/17/2009 4:03 pm
death keeper of the souls
whew, scared me
death keeper of the souls Report | 02/17/2009 3:00 pm
death keeper of the souls
you there?
the crimson redemption
Hallowed Sin
Lou Sassole