Current title: Eternal Swordman
Current Multimedia: Tales of Symphonia OVA Tethe'alla Episode 8 Part 2
Mood: Hyper
biggrin Current Quote: "I've lost all confidence as a man..."
((iLloyd Irving))
Hey! I'm Lloyd! I'm 19 and I live in Iselia. I'm really nice and I like helping people. ((In case you haven't noticed)) I don't really know what's going on but people think I led some sort of blood purge and destroyed Palmacosta! I didn't do anything! I swear! I was collecting and destroying exspheres! Well anyway here are some of my best friends. ((iColette Brunel)) This is Colette! She is the last chosen of Sylvarant. She's the nicest person in the world. She always seems to care for others first then herself. (I don't really know if it's a good or a bad thing 'cause I guess I do that too sometimes.) She's a little klutzy but I can always count on her to 'help' me with my homework when Genis refuses to help me. ((iGenis Sage)) This is Genis. He's my best friend and he's the smartest person you'll ever meet. He's really good with magic and cooking! I love his food! It's always good!...that is until Raine sneaks in a little something then it tastes really bad. ((iRaine Sage)) This is Professor Sage. She's my teacher. She's also an archy--Akey--Grr!! I can't say it! She freaks out over old rocks! She's a really bad cook. I think her food may actually kill some one. -shudders- ((Kratos the 9th Companion))This is Kratos. He's my real dad. Don't get me wrong Dirk is a good dad too! He has a job as a mercenary. He's an angel of Cruxis which was led by the insanely evil Mithos Yggdrasil. Once we defeated him Kratos left to Derris Kharlan. (Which made me really sad.) He back back after a while. I was glad cause I missed him a lot. ((Clumsy Assassin))This is Sheena. She's a summoner and the chief of Mizuho. She made pacts with all the summon spirits and even helped me make the pact Origin.((Zelos Wilderof Meltokio))This is Zelos. He's a pretty cool guy even though he's a pervert. I kinda hate that he calls me bud all the time. He gives really good advice sometimes. ((Taciturn Girl))This is Presea. She fights with a really big ax. Genis seems to be around her a lot. I think he likes her. ((Genis and Presea sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!)) ((X_Regal Bryant_X ))This is Regal. He's cool for an older guy. He has his hands cuffed so he fights with his feet. I kinda I was mature like him. Regal's a really great cook too! I love his food. I wonder if he really does cook with his feet...?--------------------------------------------------
My other accounts:
Sheena Chief of Igaguri
Genis the Mana Master
Games I'm currently playing:
Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks
Tales of the World:Radiant Mythology
Tales of Eternia
Tales of Vesperia
Tales of Phantasia
Assassin's Creed
Games I finished:
Tales of Symphonia
Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the new World
Tales of the Abyss
Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker
Legend of Zelda: Phantom and the Hourglass
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Special shout outs!!!!! =D
Kratos the 9th Companion:
For being an awesome friend >w<
Izzy Metelosk:
For putting up with all my gay shiz ;D
Atariel Sukai:
For being a great roleplayer :3
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