About Me (Old Gaia name: Alecks Heathez)
Real Name: F. Alexander S. H. (you don't need to know THAT much mrgreen )
Nicknames: Alex, Lex, Lexy, Elix, Lexan, and a few that I won't say... redface
Current Age: 24
Place of Birth/Nationality: Puerto Rico/ Puerto Rican & American
Occupation: Currently unemployed
My Titles: Child of God, Boyfriend, Son, Older Brother, Friend, Drummer, Singer, Artist, Nephew, Grandson, Student, Teacher, Crafter, Poet, among many others.
Interests and Likes : God above all else, music (especially rock), cats & bunnies because of their cute fluffiness (though bunnies crap too much to keep as pets), trading card games (TGCs), video games (PSP and PS3 basically), paper-&-dice or pen-&-paper games such as D&D and Exalted, reading, fantasy oriented stuffs, food, beverages (specially cold & creamy ones such as coke floats), among many other things.
Hobbies: Reading, listening to music, playing video games, writing stories, singing random made-up songs, looking for new things to learn and looking for things to improve in me, among others.
Poor nobody.....
Master: ninja "If a tree falls and Nobody's around to hear it... does it make a sound?"
Alecks: 4laugh "It probably does. Its just that Nobody was sleeping next to the tree when it crashed down. sad Poor Nobody... he was never any good at dodging trees in his sleep."
Master: stare "..."
Alecks: confused "Wha?"
Master: stare "..."
Alecks: confused "..."
Master: stare "Dumbass..."
Alecks: sweatdrop
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Dude, I just made 2M gold. XD
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