With my current mind, and thoughts.
I have decided to leave Gaia. I have no idea if i will be back, but i don't plan to.
I will be checking on things from time to time. So feel free to message me still if you wish. Other details such as MSN are below, feel free to add and/or Contact me in other ways.
Check it out <3:
Gaia times 8D:
Anywhoo~ It was a
MISTAKE To talk you down like
that. -Saving
Aimee Small Talk. Tbh they're awsome, and i
love them <3
And i
LOVE teh bloody music!, X3
COOOKIEEEEEEEEEEEE. Birthday:26th of july, English.~
abby_rawson@hotmail.co.uk JUST ADD IT
scream <3
KandooSUCKER Add meh fakking bebo tuu! D<
James Kitching. You've truly made me happy, i love you. Special;mentions;here:
[[Btw ima use what i calll uuu. X3]]
BROTHHERR SCOTTTEHH!;- Well Scotteh what can i say ^^ you truely are a brother tuu meh and i love that. Your always there when i need you most and i hope i can do the same for you <3. I always cry with laughter when we speack. Sometimes our conversations lead to us talking till what, 3am!? XD roflmao, ayy good times (H). You now start to help me with problems and situations when i don't even ask, cause your a clever brother like that. And you always get me into new fakking bands! XDDD troll garlic! o: AND! ofc hitler and his sockehs D; But we built a rocket to fly to the moon to escape so we're okayy XD I love uu tuu bits =3 thankuu for everything.
JORRRDANNN!;- DADDEHHH! XD haha i love you :3 and i love your voice XDDDD we always talk about random stuff, your funny as. Tbh, i'd be lost without you, we tend to talk quite abit about school, don't we? like what we want to be and how scared of talking infrount of people we are .-. I'm sure we'll overcome that XDD We talk alot on mic now, which is ace for me cause i can hear your voice ;D cause you know how much i love it X3 If no one says anything you always do somthing random, actully i blame you for me loosing my voice XD Thanku for my million and one donations aswell <3 XDD I LOVE YOUUU DADDEHHHH!
JIMOTHYYY!;- JIMOTHHYY! are convos are the best, i think i love the fact you drool over bill and i drool over kyle XDD SPUDS N SPAM just everything, Ofc you are my hubife aswell <3 and i'm your hubife tuu <3 we have 5 AND 1/2 children ^u^ we're not sure how it happend .. it just did.. XDD Our drawing's on msn we doodle for each other, i love it ^^ LIKE I LOVE YUUU! bestest Fwiends<3
JACKKKKEHH!;- Ahaha you should feel proud that your here!
3nodding Anyway, Idk resently we talk more and laugh more~ i think we're becoming quite good friends ^^ Obvs we know eachother from school and stuff so yeahh :3 Thankuu for your donations tuu!, and also for the work in the art shoppe. ^^
SARSHAA SWAMP DONKEH!;- Eheh sucks to be you!, nuu i'm joking ^^ I LOVE YOU WOMAN! on msn we always have them voice thingeys, and all i can hear is. .AHAHAHAHA OMFG THATS SO FUNNY and you just sit there.. laughing.. then wipe your face with a towle and ofc my reactions would be "OMFG WHATS THAT?! .. oh a towle" But anyway. lu woman!
CLYYDEHH!;- Now then dear >w> i though i'd give you a mention tuu ;D LIKE IT OR NOT! see i'll probly forget to tell you; until im bored and decide to read my profile, unless you find it yourself, because your bored and perving on my profile o: ANYWAY YOU ARSE. You make me laugh, im guessing we started speacking because of Scotteh :3 idk.. XD we talk about alot of random things, like farms ;D and how it would be wonderful if we could name a cloud after you. Just so i could call you clyde teh cloud XD, AND YOUR A DRUG DEALING PREIST! ;D Blah blah,humm what eles? >w> IMA COME TO OXFORD SOON AND EATTT CHUU! i mean... Hug you.. A very long.. Lovley.. Hug *coughs* Yes a hug.. :3
MOKOO!;- Yayyy moko~ I do love uu tbh, we've had some funny times ^^ I love talking to you, you always make meh giggle. I love your artseys tuu, -^^- Bestest <3
I'll do more later.. I cba right now o.o"
have i left you out D: ? Tell me and i'll put you in ^^
LOVE my music,
Music is
life. (:
I currently have no dream avi atm.
Thanks to Jordan mainly, and to others who have donated.
Jack; Orly hat, Gramster
Jimothy; Tetris block things XD
iSexoMaquino; 600k, Pajamas, Toothbursh, Stubble (family genes ;D), Coco, penguin slippers!
heart heart Okayyyy, i'm done now
3nodding BE GONE! D< *Throws cookies at youuu*
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