If you really want to know about me, then you should message me. Ask and I will tell. I promise to be an open book. (Possibly of faerie tales, depending on my mood.)
I am crushing upon
two people[/strike One person.
One crush just crushed me, just by showing his face. He knows I like him. He's supposed to be somewhere far away, but he showed up at school and I almost threw up at the sight of him, it stressed me that much. He torments me, gets a kick out of my sorrow. My insides tear apart at the very sight of him, let alone his caressing embrace. He's laughing at me as he reads this. (Even harder now that I only like him)
I am over the other crush now. ^_^
Me? I am a cluster of contradictions. I am bipolar and have multiple personality syndrome. If I don't remember you, or something important, it's not because you are forgettable, it's because I blacked out. If you really must know, I am pretty facking gay. Every once in a while I like a girl, but not often. I hate flamers by the way. Check out RoseMarieBellamy; it ish my main account.
Talk To Me!!! >:O
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No. you have to agree with me cool
I am always right cool
if you want, add my main account oLovescream (: