Gosh, I haven't been on here in forever, but I'm back on! Alittle about me is that I draw, I create stuff, write songs, play guitar. I like watching tv, I love listening to music, I love video games. Some of my favorite video games are Uncharted 2, Batman: Arkham Asylum, and Dead Space. I love watching UFC and music shows! 3noddingI have 2 more weeks till Graduation and pretty soon I'll be attending Fullsail University in Orlando, Florida to learn Computer Animation! Oh yeah! mrgreen smile

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~ Shinler Schmerz
I have an alternative though, I know some people wink
But, I forgot what I had planned with it x.x
I saw Hellyeah, live, once. It was pretty intense...but they boasted about playing their whole CD that night. And to the drunk crowd thought that was the most amazing thing ever...lol
I've seen Mudvayne 3 times. Each was better than the last. With the last being the most amazing concert I have ever been to.
I like Hellyeah, but I like Mudvayne more. I'm kinda bummed.
I've heard alot of good things about it, but I've never really bothered to do anything with it.
And yeah...I'm kinda trying to keep up with it. The only thing I've been able to post is the new video. Mudvayne went on Hiatus as soon as the released the Scream With Me video...