---------------------Inhale the Good s**t. Exhale the Bullshit Someone To Remember;
Sixteen[Shelby Lynn]Ricky♥
Why Hello there and Welcome. I live in the city in Ohio. I'd rather be in the country.
Things that aggravate me: Stereotypes, new anime, people who laugh at those who cry, being told how to live, when heavier people think there skinny and skinny people think there fat, the saying 'he/she got over' and people who can't accept difference or change.
Things I adore: My boyfriend and his family, my good friends, pastel and neon colors, orange pop, graffiti, random messages, laughing till I cry, Flaming hot cheetios, hello kitty, spongebob, old Disney movies, horror movies, smiling while kissing, guitarist, drummers (Ricky) & music (I listen to everything.)
Some of the music I do love: A Day To Remember, Kerli, Nicki Minaj Of Mice & Men, He is We, Drake, Hollywood Undead, Lights, Millionaires, Machine Gun Kelly, Avenged Sevenfold, T. Mills, Mac Miller, Abandon All Ships, Disturbed, Lil Wayne & so much more but that's all I can think of at the moment.
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