eLLo Im Adrieana Alexis De Jesus..... These Are Some Thing yu SHud Know but.... Im FreakiNg FUNNY!! Im Smart (not a nerd) IM alWays uSaully Awesome! Lol OoOo And i Live in N.Y. The city tht Never sleeps unless its a Skool Day lol ;p soo0ooooo Thts All For This Keep ReadIng doWn/
Judge Me And I'll Prove U Wrong
Tell Me What To Do And I'll Tell U Of
Say Im Not Worth It And Watch Where U End Up
Call Me A b***h And I'll Show U One
Call Me Crazy, U Have No Damn Idea
Roses are red
FILIPINOS are brown!!
That’s my race
don't put it down!!
I will not hide
I will not disgrace !!!
flows hot & true
My FILIPINO people
I will stand by you
Through thick & thin
Until the day we die
Always stands high
I yell this poem
Louder than all the rest.
Because everyone knows
So step aside and let me through
Cause it's all about the FILIPINO crew
Life sucks and then you die
but if your FILIPINO
You die with some damn pride
Boy: I love her more than the air i breath
Girl: well im always here for you.
Boy: I know
Girl: what's wrong?
Boy: I like her so much
Girl: talk to her
Boy: I don't know. she wont even like me.
Girl: Don't say that, your amazing.
Boy: i just want her to know how i feel
Girl: then tell her
Boy: she wont like me
Girl: how do you know that?
Boy: i can just tell
Girl: well just tell her
Boy: what should i say?
Girl: tell her how much you like her
Boy: i tell her that daily.
Girl: what do you mean?
Boy: im always with her. I love her.
Girl: i know how you feel. i have the same problem. but he'll never like me
Boy: wait. who do you like?
Girl: oh some guy.
Boy: Oh... she wont like me either.
Girl: she does
Boy: how do you know?
Girl: becuse, who wouldn't like you?
Boy: you
Girl you're wrong, I like you
Boy: I like you too
Girl: so are you gonna talk to her?
Boy: I just did.
I asked you if I was pretty, you said "no"
I asked you if I was fat, you said "of course"
I asked you if u wanted to be with me, you said "no"
I asked you is you would cry if I lefted, you said "no"
I have heard too much and had to walk away
As I lefted, you grabbed my arm and said.......
"Your not pretty, you are BEAUTIFUL
The only thing fat about you is your HEART
I dont want to be with you, I NEED to be with you
and Baby,
I wouldnt cry if you lefted, I would DIE".
I Just WAnt to Be The Girl You Talk About
The Only One You Cant Live Without
TO Be the One Who Makes Your Heart Beat Like Crazy
And FOr You TO Say To Your Boys " Shes's My Baby "
.♦.█████████ 100% SweetღHeart
.♪.███ 30% *ღ*Spoiled!(FRIENDS SAY IM SPOILED)
.♦.███████ 70%~*ღ**!COOL!**
.♪.████████ 80%~*ღ*PrincesS
.♦.██████████ 110%~*ღ*ASIN FILIPINO¤
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will be a two day party yes two days so dont be mad if you missed the first day but whoever shows up the first day
will be qetting a item or qold so you probaly would want to show up the first day well lets qet to the qood stuff
the first day of the party which is on JULY 24 2009 which is friday will start at 4:30pm and will end at anytime
and will be at the VIDEOlounge ok the link is (((we will not give the link out till firday)))
so yeah and i still need segustions on the music so hit me up if you have any ok but for right now we will be
playing LILWAYNE,DRAKE,JERMIAH,DREAM and other hip hop artist if you have any song you want me to play hit me
up or pm whatever send me a message ok and we will be hosting a raffle we will have two winners each day we will
doing alot were gonna set it off ok its qonna be funn ok so show up AND sence if you live in a diffrent time zone just show up anytime
oh yeah and the second day of the party will be hosted sometime next week or this week we have to see about the
arrangements make sure to show up its qonna be funn alot of people will be there and were qiving away ITEMs ok
contace me if you need any info
and you are now officaly part of the v.i.p exclusive party club
and ssend me a message so i can add you to the party list okk and ill put the first person who send me the message
saying your coming will recive a prizze
will be a two day party yes two days so dont be mad if you missed the first day but whoever shows up the first day
will be qetting a item or qold so you probaly would want to show up the first day well lets qet to the qood stuff
the first day of the party which is on JULY 24 2009 which is friday will start at 4:30pm and will end at anytime
and will be at the VIDEOlounge ok the link is (((we will not give the link out till firday)))
so yeah and i still need segustions on the music so hit me up if you have any ok but for right now we will be
playing LILWAYNE,DRAKE,JERMIAH,DREAM and other hip hop artist if you have any song you want me to play hit me
up or pm whatever send me a message ok and we will be hosting a raffle we will have two winners each day we will
doing alot were gonna set it off ok its qonna be funn ok so show up AND sence if you live in a diffrent time zone just show up anytime
oh yeah and the second day of the party will be hosted sometime next week or this week we have to see about the
arrangements make sure to show up its qonna be funn alot of people will be there and were qiving away ITEMs ok
contace me if you need any info
and you are now officaly part of the v.i.p exclusive party club
and ssend me a message so i can add you to the party list okk and ill put the first person who send me the message
saying your coming will recive a prizze
but anywyas, was happen gurl?? me's sick sad