Donators:Grand Wolf_Queen-charcoal sketch book, Kitos10-fairy wings, JynJyn-gold
Hello, welcome to my profile!
biggrin I'm a huge anime and video game fanatic, my favorites being Legend of Zelda, Sonic, Kingdom Hearts, Soul Calibur, or any kind of fighting game. My favorite animes are Full Metal Alchemist, Yu Yu Hakusho, D. Gray-man, Bleach, Sailor Moon, Tokyo Mew Mew, HunterXHunter......There's a very, very long list.
I'm very difficult to be friends with, because I tend to get bored easily, and I'm easily annoyed. If you're random and crazy like me, then you have nothing to worry about. I don't like donations (I know I'm wierd) so, please, unless I am really begging for an item that's, like, 1mil, don't try to give anything.
You don't need to know my name, or my age. If you want to know, talk to me for a very long period of time, and I'll tell you, unless you're really cool, then I'll tell my age sooner.
razz I also no longer accept random friend requests. If you want to be my friend, try and get to know me first. Send me a PM, and actually talk. You don't just ask some one to be your friend in real life, so don't expect to do it here. Also, once you do become my friend, please, send me a PM, or post on my profile once in a while, so I don't get bored.
My life
What's going on in my oh so boring life. Nothing to specaill
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