WTF dude Ur never on just give me all your gold and cancel ur acount I'm serious right now c'mon NOW. Timothy don't make me have to call U!!! stare
Kuz believe me I will stare ninja
Ya I guess I sound like a chic....which I am....sooo....hmmm.....I should become a guy (wait my way of thinking made noooo sense at all) damit all I'm such a f** and even worse I can't stop typing all these shitty coments. GOD!!! Someone save the queen!!! Its a good thing I don't text otherwwise I would have a seriously large phone bill lol..ahhhh I can't stop!!!! oh wait I just did...there
Kinda sad except for Honza is like a zillion times smaller than me. I feel sooooo big standing next to him so I've decided in order to get rid of my "gut" and look like a holocaust victim I shall go on a crash diet. Damn thats gonna mean a lot of commitment.....OH WELL smile I shall continue with my crash diet
We R doin "I Never Saw another butterfly" again and I get to be Raja *.* ninja EXCITMENT anyways yup yup yup!!!! ninja I'M SOOOO EXCITED EXCEPT WE GOTS TO WATCH CREEPY VIDS AGAIN AHHHHH rofl
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Kuz believe me I will stare