~Laugh your Heart out, Dance in the Rain,
Cherish the Moment, Ignore the Pain,
Live, Laugh, Love
Forgive & Forget
Life's to short to be living with regrets~
Hey :]
first of all welcome to my profile
and second let me tell you about myself
i'm a pretty nice person but if you don't
like me or i don't like you i can be a betch
so heads up.. i'm not a judge of character in my
eyes nobody is ugly everybody is beautiful c:
i dont like starting problems and hate when i
have to be the one to end them.. NOT A DRUGGY :]
thought i should point that out lol
People call me sweet because of my username
i'm not conceided or self centered..
i'm easy to get along with.
and please don't send me random
friend requests without getting to know me first
because i will decline. So if you want to know the basic
like my name and age just ask me.
Music is a big part of my life, always helps me get through rough
Fave Music- MARIANAS TRENCH c:, Daughtry, paramore,
greenday, sum 41,kid
cudi, lustra, a day to remember,
and muuuch much more :]
People i can count on :]
Best friends- Andrea! love you betch c:, Chris!!!!!! i loves you!!!!!!!!!!!!!(my lover)
wink Scotty! :] scotty
scotty he's so freaking awesome :], Joseph!, ive known him for
quitee awhile now :], arc! id use his real name but he doesnt
want me to e-e even though i like it D: douche lol
ANGEL(2) lol (missing crayons) i love you! :] and the other
angel in rl such a man whore xD Pamela! but she moved to
bakersfield.. e-e whatta hoe, Justin! known him my whollle life
and love him to death (as a brother) and last but not least Jaden
R.I.P I will always keep you in my heart for as long as i live. I
have a lot more but my hands are tired :]
Daughtry- no surprise
I've practiced this for hours, gone round and round
And now I think that I've got it all down
And as I say it louder, I love how it sounds
Cause I'm not taking the easy way out
Not wrappin' this in ribbons
Shouldn't have to give a reason why
It's no surprise I won't be here tomorrow
I can't believe that I stayed till today
Yeah you and I will be a tough act to follow
But I know in time we'll find this was no surprise
It came out like a river once I let it out
When I thought that I wouldn't know how
Held onto it forever, just pushing it down
Felt so good to let go of it now
Not wrapping this in ribbons
Shouldn't have to give a reason why
It's no surprise I won't be here tomorrow
I can't believe that I stayed till today
There's nothing here in this heart left to borrow
There's nothing here in this soul left to say
Don't be surprised when we hate this tomorrow
God knows we tried to find an easier way
Yeah you and I will be a tough act to follow
But I know in time we'll find this was no surprise
Our favorite place we used to go
The warm embrace that no one knows
The loving look that's left your eyes
That's why this comes as no,
As no surprise
If I could see the future and how this plays out
I bet it's better than where we are now
But after going through this
It's easier to see the reason why
It's no surprise I won't be here tomorrow
I can't believe that I stayed till today
(stayed till today)
Yeah you and I will be a tough act to follow
But I know in time we'll find this was no surprise
Our favorite place we used to go
The warm embrace that no one knows
The loving look that's left your eyes
But I know in time we'll find this was no surprise
Time of your life- green day
Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road
Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go
So make the best of this test, and don't ask why
It's not a question, but a lesson learned in time
It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right.
I hope you had the time of your life.
So take the photographs, and still frames in your mind
Hang it on a shelf in good health and good time
Tattoos of memories and dead skin on trial
For what it's worth it was worth all the while
It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right.
I hope you had the time of your life.
It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right.
I hope you had the time of your life.
It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right.
I hope you had the time of your life
Simple plan- perfect
song relates to how my dad was
Hey dad look at me
Think back and talk to me
Did I grow up according to plan?
And do you think I'm wasting my time doing things I wanna do?
But it hurts when you disapprove all along
And now I try hard to make it
I just want to make you proud
I'm never gonna be good enough for you
I can't pretend that
I'm alright
And you can't change me
'Cuz we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I'm sorry
I can't be perfect
Now it's just too late and
We can't go back
I'm sorry
I can't be perfect
I try not to think
About the pain I feel inside
Did you know you used to be my hero?
All the days you spent with me
Now seem so far away
And it feels like you don't care anymore
And now I try hard to make it
I just want to make you proud
I'm never gonna be good enough for you
I can't stand another fight
And nothing's alright
'Cuz we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I'm sorry
I can't be perfect
Now it's just too late and
We can't go back
I'm sorry
I can't be perfect
Nothing's gonna change the things that you said
Nothing's gonna make this right again
Please don't turn your back
I can't believe it's hard
Just to talk to you
But you don't understand
'Cuz we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I'm sorry
I can't be perfect
Now it's just too late and
We can't go back
I'm sorry
I can't be perfect
'Cuz we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I'm sorry
I can't be perfect
Now it's just too late and
We can't go back
I'm sorry
I can't be perfect
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