just sayin
My name is Helen <3, i love 2 be random -farts- >> << :3 i love 2 talk 2 my best freeinds on gaia ;DD i like 2 piss of karen :B and butt smexx nwoobs n.n i love all the holidays, i dont like 2 pick over freidns,like a top 10 list D: people make it a big deal of what # they r, ~Taken~ n.n Hmmm.. i <3 anime ;DD and avi art thre so cute ^^ i want 2 be an artist when i grow up.. :33,i hate it when people talk bad stuff aobut another person when they dont know them =-= ,and if u piss me off i can turn into an b***h n.n, im not that smrt in school..but if u tell me and question and i dont know,then ill be honest and say idk ;DD, i hate lie'ing 2 people only when its neccesery >w<, i love Pres. Obama ;33 i like movies thats action or mystery ^^, i love twilight ;DD i even have an shirt of it >:B and yes iam an twilight Geek ;DD, i think its cool if guys like twilight because guys arent really into that sort of stuff, i love 2 read books i always get sucked into one and never come out n.n ,unless if i have 2 go bathroom or have 2 sleep x.x , i like 2 be perverted funny ;DD, i dont like myspace that much so dont ask me if i have one n.n, i love my music <3, cant live without it ;DD , i make errors on my spellin when i talk so dont make a big deal :3 , i love ranibows and random colrs *0* , iam not a tomboy and not an girly girl im just half at those sometimez :3 , i dont like 2 gossip aobut other people only if im in the mood 2 >3 , i hate it when people judge an person by there look,i love old 80's love songs like, cant take my eyes off of you or other songs i cant rember,i love 2 do tek tek's,i suck at youtube vid's-but i like 2 watch them,i like 2make new freinds ;D,i can make my sis laugh hard,i can be sometimes funny-when im in the mood C:,i hate people who need donations when they dont even need it,i only donate 2 people who actually deserve it :33, Etc.
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