whoa... havent talked to you in a LONG a** time! yes, bishop is gone... and you know what i mean by that... v.v
please reply back, Idorublossom, its great to hear from you^.^
btw, where were you?
Now that u open this u have to read this. Six years ago Carmen Winstead was pushed down a sewe opening by 5 classmates try to embarrass her at a fire drill. When she didn’t come up, the police were called. The girls told everyone she fell. They bieleved them. FACT: two months later David Gregory read this and didn’t send it. When he went to take a shwer, he heard laughter, freaked out
And ran to his cell to send it. He went to sleep that night perfect 5 hours later his mo was awakening to a loud noise to find David gone. Later police found him in a nerby sewer neck broken and his face skin peeled off. Even google her name, youll find this to be true. If u don’t find this 10 people this subject they hurt Carmen will either come from a sewer, toilet, or shower or when u go to sleep youll wake up in the sewer. NO SEND BACKS!![/
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