So yeah, Im 17, soon to be 18. My fave book series and movie (heh sweetness) is obviously Twilight. My faveorite characters are Bella, Edward and Renesmee Cullen. I intensly dis-like Jacob, until he stopped stalking Bella and 'imprinted' on Nessie. I like Fanfictions, I have an account on Fanfiction.net as RavenRuby.My fave shows/movies/anime and pairings are:
Buffy the Vampire Slayer:
Spike Xander
Buffy Spike
Vampire Knight:
Zero Yuuki
Zero Kaname
Spike Angel
Bella Edward
Renesmee Jacob
Inu Kagome
InuYasha Kouga
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i haven't been on forever!!!! jeez!
school is coming up!!!!!! AAAHHHHH!
New. Moon. Cant. Wait.
mine is alice
so u like twilight?
we should so talk