Hmmm... about me.. Well letz c... i am 14 yearz young... i have a zizzer awn her in RL(real life) her name iz alzu Victoria(Megahotttie9) she iz 10... zhe iz a bizh zhe iz rude and mn and hateful, but above all, SHE IZ AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!ok ok ok. enuff alrdy right? why do wii nd to nu bout ur friendz thiz iz an about YOU collum.. well ther az much az mii az u can get!!!!!
well mii now.. hmm i have dark green eyes but i wear contacs sooo they look lighter.. i have a birth mark awn mii eye that iz a white line down the bottom part of the green awn muh right eye(it makez a zlazh zidewayz =/)
Mii natural hair color is bleach blond biggrin
i love to read and go to the lake to ride the boat and kneeboard!!!
i hate school! but go for friendz ^-^
fav drink:CREAM SODA BIZHEZ!!!!!!!!!
fav color:green or black
fav zkool zubject:reading english science
fav thing to do: walk read txt hanging with friendz!
fav zizzer: TORI!
well i am 14 i am a bizh i like to liztn 2 pplz probz and muh name iz Aubree(tortor only 1 ald kll mii BreeBree).. and i am emo, gawt a prob then y r u even reading thiz??????
peace! roze out!!~
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