Hmm...well my name is James! :3But call me Jaime! :]
Umm...im 18, high school graduatee! But YET to get into a college -__-;.
I love watching horror movies...
And um...
I have a lip piercing..AND an industrial bar..i hope to get by tongue pierced! (>^.^)>
And um...
im bi-sexual...more like 90% =P
And um...
I like diet coke...my fav beverage 8D
And um...
I love being myself...i dont try to be anyone else but me! :]
And im beasttt at it!
~Reading, but not replying to a message, and replying 10 hours later.
~Neglecting me when someone "better" comes along. Then once that "better" person leaves I'm all of the sudden THERE again.
~Bragging about how many bf's/gf's you can get or have.
~Using the "x3" face in every sentence you write.
~If I'm feeling down, you give me one of the scenrios you had similiar to the problem.
~You write one word replies.
~If you dont wanna talk to me anymore, you hide it. Grow some balls and say it STRAIGHT to my face.
If you do one or more or all of these, i'm most definatley gonna delete you. >->
Dream avi! <3
Plwease help?

Total Value: 5,147,484 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Masquerade 8th Gen.
Masquerade 9th Gen.
Dark Halo
Lovely Genie Black Belly Gem
Long-Stem Black Rose
Chain Wallet
Demonic Anklets
Black Stripes Right Arm Tattoo
Black Stripes Left Arm Tattoo
Black Sweetheart Pants
Silver Heart Belt
CoCo Kitty Plushie
Those Black 90s Gloves
Space Pirate
Raider Shih's Garment
Black Neko Cosplay
Fallen Wish 2nd Gen.
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and this one was so bad photobucket deleted wink
morning (:
Mmmm........ Now Imma go bye bye but I will bother you soon so be prepared ninja Haha. OH PS SOON MEANS TOMORROW biggrin