am bord human cat. I like chatting and overusing marketplace.age: 20s
gender: female IRL, avatar is usually genderfluid (idrc about pronouns online, just go with whatever my avatar looks like)
interested in guys I meet in real life (no CATfishing that way, lol)
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satisfying the itch for authentic personal self-expression with the itch for attention and praise is often a factor in my avatar-building process as well 3nodding
my mood is always fluctuating, naturally
sometimes my aesthetics are a bit hyper-specific to me it seems, but that's not necessarily bad
the desire to be noticed is a funny thing. it is kind of always there, but it changes shape.
my current avatar is more for my own gaze I suppose, as I don't believe it's gotten any favorites
but that's quite alright, my tastes vary xp
my avatar was featured in daily chance? hmm interesting not sure how that works cat_surprised
I apologize for the late reply, but I wanted to say thank you for buying stuff from my store!
If you happen to live in the US and celebrate Thanksgiving, I hope you have a wonderful feast and are able to spend that day with those you love!
If not, I still wish you well, and that all is good in your life.