Welcome! your not a cop right?! Anyway... i have everything you need, you name it! But it's gonna cost ya!
Birthday: 03/05
Congratulations! you got All the way down Just kidding your not done yet
If you can scroll all the way down to the end you will get a price!
Keep going
NOT! (heh)
Your getting tired of that wolf picture arent you?
Your soon there
I'm running out of stuff to say, so I'll let get there now
Ok now your there. Have your Price, and have a good time going up agine :D
"If you read this" Write somthing about wolves
This thing is actually shorter then it seems
To everyone it might consern (YOU!!!). I have quit gaia becouse i didnt feel like logging on so much as time past... but you are all awsome Allways remember that! :D
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your liek my best pal on here..hope things are going well with you and much respect and peace.
So what's up new?!
But still it's funny man!
how much do those little critters cost now a days?
we used to talk a lot then you stopped....
i remember you had family problemsi
i think yer add chasing you
and you were liek very
emo we gave each other advice hai man