I got this from someones profile.
*************ME, MYSELF and I***************
1. Your full name: Roman C M***** (Get to know me for the rest.)
2. Nicknames : Crow
3. Birthday : November tenth.
4. Age : Twenty-Three
5. Sex : Male.
6. Where do you live : Florida
7. What school do you attend? Home-schooled, and graduated.
8. Siblings: Two brothers.
9. Pets : None
10. Zodiac Sign : Scorpio
11. Righty or Lefty : Righty.
12. Do you have an imaginary friend?: You could say I have three.
*********MY LOOKS*********
13. Eye color : Brown
14. Height : 6'1"
15. Do u wear contacts or glasses: Nope.
16. Do you have any piercing : Nope.
17. Do you wear any rings : Nope.
18. Do you have a certain fashion you follow: Whatever I feel like wearing
19. Do you have braces : HAD braces.
20. How are you today : Eh, same as always.
*********MY FAVORITES************
21. Color : Black
22. Food : Red Meat.
23. Fast Food : Wendy's
24. Candy : A chocolate every now and again.
25. Beverage : Mountain Dew
26. Ice Cream Flavor : Cookie Dough
27. Sport : Airsoft
28. Animal : African Lion and Snow Wolves.
29. Number : 13
30. Radio Station : WXTB 97.9 98Rock
31. Band or Singer: Keeps changing.
32. Actor: Russel Crowe and Jason Stathom
33. Actress : Kate Beckinsale.
34. Day of the Year : All the same.
35. Month : December
36. Store : Uh... Best Buy
37. Teacher : None.
**************HAVE YOU EVER****************
38. Broken the Law : Nope.
39. Tried to kill yourself : Nope.
40. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble : Only twice...
************MORE ABOUT ME***************
41. What are your last four digits of your phone number : 2008
42. If you were a crayon, you'd be...: Black
43. Have you ever almost died: Many many times.
44. Do you like the person that sent you this: Yes.
45. How do you eat an Oreo : Drown it in milk until its soggy and then eat it.
46. What's the next CD you're going to buy: Probably never going to.
47. What is the best advice you ever received: Live each day like your last.
48. Have you ever won any special award: Uh.. not that I can remember.
49. Worst sickness you ever had: Birth defect of the heart count?
50. What's the stupidest thing you have ever done: Um... tried to fly.
51. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: Nothing.
52. Where do you shop the most: Best Buy.
53. How many kids do you want to have: Two, maybe three.
56. Do you do drugs: No.
57. Shampoo : Uh don't have a favorite.
58. Closest family member: My dad.
59. What are you most scared of : Myself.
60. How many TV's do you have in your house : Three.
61. Do you have your own TV : No.
63. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal : Not any more.
64. Have you ever broken/sprained/fractured a bone : My left wrist.
65. What do you dream about : Things to come, and things that have passed, metaphorical and literal.
66. Who do you tell your dreams to : Anyone that would Ask.
67. Who's the loudest friend you have: N/A
68. Who's the quietest friend you have: N/A
69. Is cheer leading a sport : Eh for girls yes, guys no.
70. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop: 3.
71. Which came first, the chicken or the egg: Who cares I want breakfast.
72. Do you believe in ghosts? Yes, yes i do.
*************YOU ON LOVE***************
73. Do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend : No
74. Who is your crush : I don't have one atm.
75. Did you send this to your crush : No.
76. Where would you like to go on your honeymoon : Anywhere
77. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex : Their hair
78. Do you find yourself attractive?: Eh, a little.
79. Do you find yourself ugly : At times.
80. Does anyone find you attractive?: Some do I'm told
81. Lights on or off : Off.
82. Sun or Rain : Rain.
83. McDonald's or Burger King : McDonald's
84. Scary movie or comedy : Comedy.
85. Backstreet Boys or N-SYNC: Backstreet boys
86. On the phone or in person : Either.
87. Paper or plastic : Paper.
88. Sausage or pepperoni : Pepperoni.
89. Summer or Winter: Winter.
90. Hugs or kisses : Kisses.
91. Chocolate Milk or plain milk : I like them both.
92. Root-beer or Dr. Pepper : Root-beet.
93. Is the glass half full or half empty: There is no glass to begin with.
94. Video or DVD: DVD.
95. Cat or dog: Dog.
96. Vanilla or Chocolate: Chocolate!!!
97. Skiing or skateboarding: Skateboarding.
98. Diamond or pearl: Diamond
99. Sunset or sunrise: Sunset, its so beautiful...
100. Did you add this onto it so there would be 100 questions?: Yes...
If there is anything else you would like to know, don't be shy and PM me!
Also if you like to roleplay I'm always looking for a roleplay! So Pm me about it if you're interested.
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