Hey guys...well along with the rest of you I love anime. Why else would I be on here? I'm also a huge movie buff, and my friends and I love to have movie nights and going to the movies and all the good stuff that comes along with that. I also love horseback riding, talking on the phone, chilling with my friends, reading, writing, drawing...all that jazz. I'm also totally into theater and Stage Tech and stuff like that. So yeah, that's me!Johnny Depp = The Love Of My Life
And this is me:
"And at the break of day you sink into dream, you dreamer..."
"Jenga is solid!"
"Hush Love Hush"
"I want you bleeders!"
"This is truth, this is faith, this is hope, this is fate. More then you, more then me, not a want but a need..."
Check Out This Awesome Place Too!!!!!!!!!
"Hal om mig nu"
"Honto no kimochi kitsukanai furishite totsuzen futari koi ni ochitano"
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I would just like to take this opportunity to tell you that we will be running a Contest this summer. It is the first contest for the guild and we are hoping that we can find a lot of participants for it. So please come by and check it out.
Also I would like to remind you that if you are not active in the guild we will be doing guild cleanup and deleting inactive members. So please come by and chat with us. We are very friendly and we love Anne of Green Gables so we would really love to get to know you!
Thanks so much for joining
It is hard to pick a favorite Johnny Depp movie; coolies that you like Edward Scissorhands, POTC's, Sweeney Todd (fantastic musical he has the best voice in the world), Charlie and the Choclate Factory, Finding Neverland , Benny & Joon I havn't seen that yet but I hear Johnny does some wacky things in it like putting busicuts or something on forks playing with them , Chocolat, & Sleepy Hollow; you have such a superb taste in movies matey!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks & cool you didn't need braces ^^, your sis had them. What have you been up to?
I watched the whole thing! But why didn't he do the macarena? However you spell that, lol.
Coolies we both Johnny Depp & thanks for the compliments on my profile; right you are Pirates of the Caribbean is my favs! What is your fav Johnny movie?
Do you have dental braces? I do!