Me, Myself and I

Hunny-sempi00's avatar

Registered: 06/01/2007

Gender: Female

Location: Califorina

Birthday: 12/21/1993

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Hunny-sempi's journal

whatever i feel like talking about :P



yum_wasabipie yum_strawberrypie yum_pumpkinpie yum_icecreampie yum_strawberry yum_puddi yum_pie yum_donut yum_cupcake yum_onigiri yum_tea
For your sanity and mine please no chat speak.

Soooo...about me.... I'm a 23 year old and I graduated from CSU Fullerton with a BA in Theatre, specializing in design and technical production. Which I'm learning includes many technical areas of theatre. I was in community college for three years and I've earned three associate degrees, I might go back for the three associate degrees I have halfway completed.
I was on a FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) team for two years in high school, and on during my second year I was team captain and pit team leader and I am currently mentoring my team part time.
I don't go on Gaia much due to work, adulting, and the shows and projects I'm working on. So if you want to know about my career, me or my life in general feel free to message me (just don't expect a fast answer)

As you can tell I use to love the Ouran High Host Club but I don't watch anime anymore and I haven't bothered to change my name or my profile.
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Meet the Ouran High Host Club
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and the other miscellaneous plushies
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the little creatures i've acquired
the old art
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The new art
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soon the world will be taken over by HamHams
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Don't forget about the HamCakes
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View All Comments

XxCountessLuluOfLunacyxX Report | 08/14/2021 4:04 pm
omg in love with your avi and your profile, well done. heart
Awesome Hyperbole Report | 07/12/2017 11:54 pm
You're welcome!
KissesAndCats Report | 07/06/2017 8:28 am
No problem wink shopping's fun
Toxic Cyber Cat Report | 05/08/2016 3:00 pm
Oh always welcome smile
Have a nice day heart
Iddlin Report | 01/06/2016 8:43 am
No problem emotion_bigheart
Aferael Report | 01/02/2016 8:39 pm
you're welcome!
Premium Heart Princess Report | 10/29/2014 7:53 pm
You're welcome! heart
ARE YOU A UFO Report | 08/20/2014 2:46 am
No problem! 4laugh
loveless102267 Report | 07/14/2014 4:55 pm
You're welcome!!~~ heart
morikoarina2 Report | 04/04/2014 4:13 am
No, thank you!!