Just About Me
Name: ChrisAge: 21
Sexuality: Straight
Statues: Singel
Mood: Content
I am a Emo kid, umm all my friends i use to hang out with friends on here but they don't talk to me anymore cause i got into a agument with them and yeah?
thanks for your time and i hope you enjoy your day.
Damn. What a bog box. Do I seriously have to fill this whole damn box up? What the fack?! >.< I'm a friggen mastermind! I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO DO THIS! GRAH!! *kicks huge box with boots*
*computer screen cracks*
*moniter goes black*
o.x *all is silent, except for the drip of a faucet in the distance...*
.....GRAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!! YOU FRACKFRKENFUGGT COMPUTER!!!!!!! *proceeds to shoot computer, smash it's screen with a hammer, pour gas over it, then burn it*
....*buys shiny mac the next day*
Okay. This is great... a mac. Must keep calm, don't want to have to make L buy me another computer.... *sees huge 'about me' box*
O_x *twitch*
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It's called the Western Zodiac